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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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493 results found

  1. Background Task Animation Error

    Adobe InDesign CC 2018 13.1 (latest version)
    macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 (latest version)
    Expected result: When a Background Task is being run, the animated progress bar to rise and fall (ex. 0,1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,0,1...)
    Actual result: When a Background Task is being run, the animated progress bar rises and falls incorrectly (ex. 0,1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,0,1,1,2...)

    I notice this a lot since I am exporting multiple PDFs a day. As soon as each is done, I need to copy them to send via emails/upload to other servers/etc.

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  2. Hand Tool/Help Menu Shortcuts Mixed Up

    In their default states, the Hand Tool and Help menu options are bound to H and F1 respectively, but pressing H during normal use of the program consistently uses Help instead of the Hand tool.

    Removing the F1 shortcut from the Help menu fixes this issue. I've experienced it in other areas, and I assume this solution will work for those as well.

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  3. InDesign CC UI scaling problem on multiple monitors with different resolutions

    InDesign Version: Adobe InDesign CC 13.1 x64
    Operating System: Windows 10 Pro build 1709.
    Monitors: Portrait orientated Dell U2415 24 inch (1200x1920) with 100% windows scale option and Landscape orientated Dell UP3216Q (3840x2160) with 150% (Recommended) scale.

    Steps to reproduce the issue:
    1. Open InDesign CC on the 32 inch monitor
    2. Move all or some of the panels to the 24 inch monitor

    Expected result:
    Panels in the 24 inch monitor should adapt to the resolution of the monitor the same way Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC does – crisp and nice.

    Actual result:
    Panels don't adapt to monitor's…

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  4. Mouse lag when linking box and then drawing a new text box on a page

    I have a box of text, i click the link button on the bottom right of the test box to make a new box, the mouse is them slow and laggy while it is loaded up with text i then draw a new text box, the mouse then returns to normal speed.

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  5. Unable to apply multiple character styles after last update

    I used to be able to select a piece of text, then open the Character Styles panel and select multiple character styles using the control key. I can successfully click. However, the styles selected are not retained. Only the first style I had selected is still applied. This is a huge bug affecting my impending book publishing.

    I even cross confirmed it with two simple character styles - one [embolden] and one [italica] (aka bold and italic) expecting to be able to select both.

    This DID work around October 2017 - we just did not notice that it had stopped…

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  6. after opening any second (and further) document

    keyboard shortcuts doesn't do anything.
    you cannot export (ctrl+E), close (ctrl+W), find (ctrl+F) or do anything else unless you click in text frame to activate text cursor.

    After that all shortcuts works as intended.

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  7. Publish Online thumbnail navigation has disappeared

    The cursor changes on hover and link works but the graphics are missing for forward and back.

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  8. .Indd files look like their opening, but they and the controls are not displaying in Indd. Just missing.

    .Indd files look like their opening, the application seems to think it's open, but they and the controls are not displaying in Indd. It's just missing. It happens with any Indd file. No error. It just wont' open, but you can see the temporary file in the folder showing it's open, and it asks me if I want to save it when I go to quit. I just reinitialized my computer last weekend and reinstalled CC.

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  9. multiple display drop down issue

    When using two displays extended vertically rather than horizontally (eg, Display 1 arranged to be above Display 2 rather than to the left or right of), if a dialog drop down is longer than can be fit on one of the displays and is positioned in screenspace such that it should spill onto the other display, it is cut off at the edge instead. Screenshot attached. Running latest OS X and latest InDesign CC. Only occurs in dialogs: parent window drop downs don't try to extend beyond the active display.

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  10. Cursor size in working area is huge InDesign CC 2018 Win

    The ID cursor (black) when over the workspace is huge. It is normal size when hovering over the tool bars (white), but when you move over the workspace it is supersized. This occurs when working on an external monitor, but is scaled appropriately on HD Laptop Screen.

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  11. InDesign performance issue: Slow interface

    The new document window is painfully slow. The pallets such as the background task pallet take some visible time to initialise themselves. As a whole the UI is always lagging.

    I'm on a new iMac Pro and this is completely unacceptable. It feels as though the interface is getting in the way instead of making work easier.

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  12. When setting the frame grid with the shortcut key, it becomes an unintended font display

    InDesign Ver.13.0.1 x64(CC 2018) Japanese Edition

    1. make new document
    2. make new frame grid
    3. select frame grid
    4. press key "Ctrl+B", and open dialog

    A font that starts with "B" installed in the system is displayed in the font setting of the dialog.
    Should be displayed is the default "Kozuka Mincho Pr6 N".

    CC 2017 and older versions are no problem.

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  13. Highlight/Colorize menu commands : changes retained temporarily , then disappear

    Using the Edit > Menu Command to highlight/colorize frequently used commands. After spending a good deal of time setting this up, the menus only remain highlighted for a few minutes before the all highlighting disappears. Have repeated this exercise a few times, trashed preferences, always the same result.

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  14. Disappearing panels

    Sometimes, when switching applications then back to InDesign, some of the panels are turned off. One that's particularly annoying is the Swatches panel. It doesn't always do it but when it does it's really annoying having to open it back up again.

    Resetting InDesign preferences doesn't fix it.

    This only seems to affect one Mac that's running El Capitan. We have others that are also on the same version of OS and same version of InDesign that don't do this.

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  15. InDesign CC2018 is not compatible with Nvidia GPU anymore

    With NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2 GB and MacOS High Sierra 10.13.3,
    pictures in boxes are going to be greyed, when manipulate the border/box. They are also going to be greyed when moving the content. With CC2017 it works properly. I was in contact with a chat support person already, who can proof this.

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    Need More Info  ·  Sumit Garg responded

    Hi ,

    Can you please share screenshot for this issue. And , are you facing this issue for all the documents ?

  16. Incorrect transparency redering on screen

    When I open a document that has a drop shadow applied, the shadow papers misplaced and distorted. If I turn the drop shadow off and on again, it fixed the issue. Also if I open a document that has an Outer Glow applied, it appears too opaque and too large. It seems that if I apply an Outer Glow to to the Object effect , save and close the document and reopen, somehow an Outer Glow is also applied to the Text effect. Other similar issues as well.
    InDesign 13.0.1 (but was the same in 2017)

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  17. adobe color theme

    Version of Adobe InDesign : 13
    Steps to reproduce the issues

    1 - create a new document
    2 - Import or draw something
    3 - Select element you want to move or made a snippet
    4 - move them to the Adobe color Theme panel and drop.

    Expected result : a sound like other pannels
    Actual result : The Snippet code will be displayed in the Adobe Color Theme panel.
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  18. interface small

    Icons and font in indesign cc 2018 is too small
    What about solving this issue

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  19. Publish Online Incorrect German translation

    Publish Online.
    As reported in the forums:
    In the "readerView" is a translation error in the "language-dropdown-content"
    it should read "Deutsch" (without the "e" at the end)!!
    "Deutsche" would be reffering to "several German people" not the German language. That is ALWAYS "Deutsch" only.
    Looks weird for a "Deutsche" :-) Would be like reading "Englishes" as a language option...

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  20. Start Page is Blank on 30" Monitor

    On my 30" Monitor, the ID start page is blank. When I make my workspace smaller, say closer to 27", the start page appears, showing me recent files, etc.

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