Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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2. Why is this valuable to you?
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704 results found
An AI procedure/tool creates design variations across disparate custom page sizes in a document.
In a document that has multiple pages, where each page has different custom dimensions, what if there were an AI tool that used elements from page 1 to create adapted layouts for the remaining pages of the document?
You could include a few parameters, like whether or not to allow text smaller than agate text, or to allow new margins to be established vs honoring the document settings for margins, etc. Perhaps a disclaimer flag for elemetns that are small print text and could be omitted from smaller ad sizes.
The procedure/tool could consider heirachy based on size, color, brightnes…
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Svg clipping mask not applied
Svg clipping masks are not applied to svg files linked in indesign. This makes it impossible for me to create an svg and import it to indesign.
I have attached the original version created in inkscape as well as the imported version in indesign.
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Live preview when transforming elements
In Illustrator, I am used to having a constant preview when moving and transforming objects instead of just overlays and boxes. Please integrate this too in InDesign as this is a de-facto standard in any modern graphics tool. It makes doing adjustments so much easier.
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Object layer to InDesign layer
It would be great to be able to place contents from different object layers in supported image files to different Indesign layers.
I have a request from one of my printing suppliers that wants all black text to be on the same InDesign layer but currently this is not possible as the imported image, a keyline can only exist on one layer at the time. The keyline both contains a keyline frame in cyan and a keyline reference to be printed in black1 vote -
An Unlock All option
I think the Unlock All option in illustrator should also be available in InDesign in the Object Tab
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Unlock an element via context menu (as in Illustrator)
an option in the context menu to unlock an element would helpful (for me) – as it is possible in Illustrator.
mycc1 vote -
add absolute last page number as text variable
I cannot get a document with multiple sections, or a book with documents that contain sections, to display the absolute last page number as a text variable. They will only display the last page number of the section when using "last page" text variable. I want and "absolute last page number" text variable that would choose the absolute last page in a single document with multiple sections, and the absolute last page in a book with documents that contain sections. I want to be able to say "page 1 of 35, page 2 of 35", etc, where "35" is the…
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Group objects across different layers
Group objects across different layers and prevent grouping from bringing the group to one layer. The group can exist on any level where there is a grouped object. Thus the group can better intersect with intermediate levels to the objects that compose it.
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Add option to embed placed INDD like other placed files
Indesign can embed all linked files into an INDD, except for at least one file type: INDD. You place an external INDD, you can't embed it. If you share the main INDD with other people, they have the external files separately, but Indesign cannot find them, because of different paths.
Also, embedding files into an INDD is used to create a snapshot or final version, which isn't possible in this case. The reason to embed an INDD instead of a PDF created from it is the work flow. If you modify the external INDD, which may be used in several…
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BLM: Black Lines Matter!
Please remove the black shadow on the right and the bottom in Normal Screen Mode in inDesign. It's aggressive contrast is annoying as ****.
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Add the option to find/replace objects at certain x/y coordinates.
Add the option to find/replace objects at certain x/y coordinates.
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Special-shaped Tables
If there is any way possible to get InDesign to be able to create a table that's curved on an edge?
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Please allow align stroke centers again
It was once easy to align frames with a line. By dragging them on top of each other you could 'snap' the middle of the line together.
Can this please be added back to InDesign? It would make life so much easier and more fun.
Alignin a stroke to a box with a stroke still works, aligning boxes with strokes on the center of the stroke doesn't work anymore. Please fix it.
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Delete all instances of link
It would be great to be able to delete all instances of a link from the Links panel.
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Condition also for graphics instead of text only
Make it also possible, to show or hide Graphic Elements and Logos according to "Text Conditions". So it would be possible, to make one Template for Merge and set the content in 2 Languages with different Logos or Graphics.
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The ability to have space before/after not add up
When two paragraphs with different paragraph styles with differing 'space before/after' settings are below each other, InDesign adds the 'space after' and 'space before' together. It would be nice if you could optionally set in the paragraph style that these values are not added together, so that only the highest value is honoured.
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Linked filename on hover
When you hover over an image, the name and path of that file pops up in a tooltip.
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Adjust image frame to pure white background
I do a lot of shoes catalogues, where white background is used on images.
It would be nice to have a tool that detects pure with and adjust the frame to that area.I do have clipping paths on the image, but it crops also the natural shadow.
Something like the PS magic wand, where you can select the offset of the frame.
ID will detect all the exterior pure white and adjust a frame around it with an offset of Xmm.
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A way to lock a pages location in the window?
Is there a way to lock a pages location in the window? If not it would be a really great enhancement!
Such as this example where I have located the page in the center of the workspace:
SCR-20221023-hpi.pngexpand image
And then unintentionally I move it with in the frame:
SCR-20221023-hq2.pngexpand image
This could be single page or a spread.
Having the ability to, with a shortcut, set this position for this page or any page in the document to remain in the same position relative to the window.
Thanks for taking a moment to consider this!
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coupure de mot
In french, when there is a word wich have a "-" inside, can you forbid InDesign to put another "-" to devide it between 2 lines ? (see picture, the word "beaux-parents" has 2 "-" wich is a mistake)
This problem happens frequently in french text.1 vote
- Don't see your idea?