Adjust Layout - Off by default please.
Finding the new Adjust Layout in InDesign 2019 a bit of a liability as is turned ON by default.
Can you please add a setting to turn off globally and turn on only when needed? Currently doesn't seem possible.

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update (14.0.2) of InDesign 2019.
If you are unable to see the update notification, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right of Creative Cloud desktop application and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.
Once the update button is shown against InDesign, click on the button to update to Id 14.0.2.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
The list of fixed issues can be found at:
Adobe InDesign team
Adrian commented
Yes, please. It's so annoying. There are waaaay less situations when I need this option ON than OFF.
Anonymous commented
Please turn it off by default or give us the chance to remove it globally. As it wasn't default the past years it causes nothing but problems with our workflow…
Kyle commented
Please allow us to remove globally turn off this feature. We've nearly ruined multiple jobs in our press shop.
Brent Ziegenhagel commented
As a manager at a printing company, this "feature" is bound to cause problems and cost us money in the event we have to re-run jobs due to something moving/scaling/changing. This should be off by default. Luckily I caught it when adjusting margins, prior to burning plates for a job.
Anonymous commented
This "feature" can cause layout disasters when text boxes are arbitrarily resized. This is not helpful. Please allow users to decide if they want this off or on without another new step involved (unchecking the box EVERY TIME) in a simple operation like adjusting margins. Very annoying.
manjarco commented
Bravo, Adobe! Now I have to uncheck a box for a feature I don't want every time I need to change my margins? This makes me crazy.
PLEASE consider your professional users when making such changes, not the dude who occasionally does a layout for his birthday card.
Cris commented
Please change the Adjust Layout to Off as the default.
As soon as possible please.
Thank you. -
Sue commented
Please make it an option and not a default! Prepress workflow is interrupted by those of us who have already learned the hard way to de-select it and totally messed up by those who do not remember to de-select it. Disastrous. Make it go away. Please and thank you.
Anonymous commented
Can you give us examples?
The product team is trying to understand how it breaks your workflow.
Anonymous commented
The Adjust Layout feature should be off by default as in the 2018 version. Otherwise, a user should at least be able to turn it off in preferences.
Philip Chadwick commented
me as well—this is a nightmare for a production environment. the feature should be DISABLED by default. Thanks
Chris commented
I also would like to see it turned off by default.
I forget to turn off and always have to command z and go back in, it's actually added a step in the process. -
Mark Harvey commented
Need to turn this OFF by default - it confuses me as the designer, and my clients are mucking up all their files when they make amends with this...
Mark commented
Please add this feature as a preference to be switched on not a default setting which I have to remember to turn off
Rarehipster commented
Bad bad bad feature in prepress. Chances of it going wrong are waaaay too high!
Francis Sandow commented
This is a very dangerous feature, especially in a prepress environment! I work in a prepress shop with two other VERY experienced operators and we just had a job foul on press press because of it. We have to move margins all the time to ensure proper tolerance for the various equipment in our shop (big presses, small presses, digital presses and grand format). Having another step to remember (turning this damn thing off every time) is NOT OK in a busy prepress workflow. Please fix ASAP!
Anonymous commented
I would love to see this not be set as default as well. You all have my vote! Super annoying.
I would also like to see the alignment panel's "use spacing" checkbox not be grayed out. Every version before this worked better.
Phantom Steve commented
Could we get a fix for this asap please ?
It's affecting me a few times a day - and it seems like I'm not the only one.
It should be viewed as a critical failure requiring immediate action. -
DC commented
Get rid of auto adjust layout as the default setting. This is very annoying! Please fix asap.
Anonymous commented
Auto Adjust Layout, should be an OPT IN not an OPT OUT!
This is a program for Designers - I want to work accurately with the text and image blocks I intended, NOT ‘auto adjusted’!