Over the years I (and others) have requested that the UI of InDesign be scalable. As designers, our eyes navigate us thru the creative process.
IT IS NOT EASY to readily decipher palettes and menus which sport MICROSCOPIC TYPE on a 28-inch, high-resolution monitor.
It IMPEDES workflow if one is spending extra time trying to find and choose things on the interface.
At least give us a choice! Smaller, Medium, Large, Extra-large.
When will Adobe get this??????

Scalable UI feature is now available in the latest version of InDesign – InDesign 2022. Please get the latest version of InDesign from the Creative Cloud Desktop app. — Adobe InDesign team
Anonymous commented
The introduction of 4k monitors is partly responsible for the increased interest in this subject. But it is valid, and resolutions are only going to increase.
My work essentially revolves around three apps: Photoshop, Illustrator and inDesign. And invariably i have to use all three at once. Photoshop and Illustrator have the ability to increase the size of certain UI elements, which i use. But when you're flicking between the three apps, it can get confusing when certain items in inDesign don't pop up where you expect them to as a result of inDesign's fixed scale. And besides, with less and less manufacturers providing for the professional market thee days we are all being forced down the 4k route. So, if nothing else, for the sake of our eyes :) it would be great, and really improve speedy productivity, if you could bring inDesign into line with the other two and give us consistency. Thank you. -
ERice commented
Is there still no fix for this? I recently updated my INDD CC 2019/PC Win 10 and it's even smaller than before. I have tried all fixes here including going to the .exe file (those options don't come up for me), windows display settings/resolution and UI scaling in the software. Are there any other fixes out there from users or ADOBE perhaps?
Thanks in advance for any information.
PrettyfyPrint commented
Seems odd that there's a way to adjust the user interface in Illustrator but not Indesign.
H.Schoonbroodt commented
Hi, my user interface is too big and I can not change it in the UI scaling. I'm using InDesign CC2019 (14.0.1) on a Dell Precision laptop (4k) connected to docking station with 2 screens. I already contacted the Adobe customer care, but they could not help me. Told to post it here, and maybe you could improve it in a new update. Hope this will be solved soon.
Julie commented
I have a 4K 15.6" screen Windows laptop (3840 x 2160) and the menus in InDesign are always ridiculously small. The Windows recommended setting is 250%, but InDesign only supports up to 200%, which is too small for 4K screens, making menus, panels, and tools too small. Please change this support to AT LEAST up to the Windows standard of 250%, if not more.
Samantha commented
In AI it's possible, but not in ID. Some of the panels and text are so small I can barely see them. It would be nice to be able to change the preferences to small or big for the users preference or blindness.
Anonymous commented
It is excruciating not to have specific control over the font size of the user interface, especially since so many of us are using large high-resolution monitors. Using Apple's accessibility Zoom tool is an awkward additional step every time one want to grab a tool or make a change. The only other reasonable option is to reduce the resolution of the monitor. That's not why we buy high resolution monitors for desktop publishing.
Ruth Michelson commented
interface too small
Indesign cc 14.0.1
windows 10 1803
Dell XPS15 -
Jake deHahn commented
The InDesign workspace on my 4K laptop screen is half the size of Photoshop/Illustrator, the text type is comparable to 7 pt. type. Everything is impossible to read if further than 5 inches from the monitor.
I contacted Adobe Support and the gentleman could NOT answer or solve the issue, along with saying NO ONE ELSE has this issue. All over the the boards and Internet, this is a recurring issue.
This is a bug that needs to be fixed. I'm frustrated Adobe even has this issue, especially since there was a recent update.
Fix it ASAP. It's very important.
(See the image to understand the visual comparison)
Jake deHahn commented
I have the SAME issue, I just contacted Adobe on the phone and they had NO JUSTIFIED ANSWER for the problem. They even said "there are no reported issues," yet you and I have the issue, plus 5 other people. Adobe, help?
G Lynch commented
I am a graphic designer and educator, but I am also visually impaired. I hope that the CC 2019 UI scaling options that are in Illustrator will be soon available with InDesign... I have found it progressively difficult to use InDesign as monitor resolutions increase and the size of icons and text decrease.
Anonymous commented
Now it looks blured! But Photosho looks perfect! tried this to get scale what I want:
1- Go to c:\\program files\adobe\adobe indesign cc 201x.
2- Rhight-click InDesign.exe >> Properties >> Compatibility >> Change high DPI settings:
3- Tick “Use the setting to fix scaling …”
4- From the drop-down list, choose “I open …”
5- Tick “Override high DPI scaling behavior …”
6- From the drop-down list, choose “system”
7- Press “OK”.But it's blured.. «Let Windows try to fix apps so they are not blurry, Select ON» — didn't help
David commented
Funny how I have the same issue on this website. I ended up zooming is as text is tiny but you can't do that in software. I have the same issue in Bridge also, it's a pain.
Blender (free software, allows you a massive amount of control over the appearance and scale of the interface, you can set the scale of fonts by the pixel (11, 12, 13 px, etc.) and change interface colours with even themes which can be saved or used so why can't expensive commercial Adobe software have the same?
Bader commented
I tried the following:
1- Go to c:\\program files\adobe\adobe indesign cc 201x.
2- Rhight-click InDesign.exe >> Properties >> Compatibility >> Change high DPI settings:
3- Tick “Use the setting to fix scaling …”
4- From the drop-down list, choose “I open …”
5- Tick “Override high DPI scaling behavior …”
6- From the drop-down list, choose “system”
7- Press “OK”.It worked for the menu and UI. However, the cursor size remained small.
I’m using CC2019 on Win10.I hope that help you, as well.
Anonymous commented
Allow UI text to be scaled to taste
Anonymous commented
The font size on my screen is so small I can barely see it. Why won't you make this so it's helpful to the CUSTOMER?
Peter commented
If Adobe are looking for some half-way points:
- Stroke selector for tables is impossibly thin to click (it takes me about 2-3 clicks for every single row/column)
- Reference point selector is better than before, but still very small
- Gradient controller handles have always been a nightmare, this is more than a little bit broken. Especially when trying to drag off (remove) a handle.
- Grabbing frame edges (especially right vertical centre) often prevented by other UI feature overlays.) -
keepmepostd commented
I seem to have found a fix for the tiny interface issue, well for me anyway.
I use a DELL XPS15 with Windows 10.
Go to Settings, choose Display and click on Advanced scaling settings.
See where it says: Let Windows try to fix apps so they are not blurry, Select ON
Restart InDesign and it looks perfect. -
Anonymous commented
Its frustrating that a company that is supposed to be a leader in design has so poor UI design.
I would also add that its about time that Indesign adopted Photoshop UI design where everything seems to be much more polished.Its 2018 guys and you cannot still have a unique UI in 3-4 most professional (and expensive!) design apps in the world!
Its a pitty, until CS6 everything was much better looking!
Wishe Ehward commented
@Teddio Poieam Scale to Higher/Lower is either too big or too small!!! There's no in between! :(