GPU-Acceleration on Windows
It would be brilliant to have this as an option especially since more and more people are using high DPI/4K displays and the CPU is not capable of allowing for smooth zooming/scrolling/panning in most cases. It's working perfectly fine with Photoshop and rather good with Illustrator so I can't see why this shouldn't be possible with InDesign as well.
On my 4K Dell XPS 15 it's quite a pain to scroll through the document or zoom in and out, laggy as hell although this is a very poweful machine!

Thank you all for supporting this feature request.
Moving the feature request to the product backlog.
Bernetto K. commented
Dear mrs. and Mr. Adobe,
please support the GPU performance for Adobe InDesign 2020 on PC/Windows.
How can it be that this option has existed for years in Adobe Illustrator, but not in Adobe InDesign? The performance without this support is really scary when zooming and scrolling! It would make sense to let the video card do the work. The technical implementation must be possible on the part of Adobe, because the whole thing works well on the Mac.
Thanks to our team for accepting this idea!
Bernetto K -
Sergio Serrano Hernandez commented
Now that InDesign 15 has been released and Hardware acceleration is still missing for windows 10, I wonder sincerely what is holding Adobe for implementing such an essential feature in a flagship software as this. Performance in windows is underwhelming, even worse than in version 14.
jessica jones commented
What a post admin. I have no words after reading your post and Thank you so much for this post.
Nick commented
I've just moved over from MacOS and cannot believe how bad InDesign is on Windows. I have an i9 9900k, 64GB RAM and have tried both an RX590 and and RTX2060... and performance in hi-res complex documents is substantially worse than on my old 2013 iMac.
I downloaded Affinity Publisher to compare and created the same document... the performance was lightning fast as it's GPU accelerated. I'm seriously considering ditching Creative Cloud if Adobe cannot be bothered to implement 21st century essentials like this.
(Oh, and please support 120% display scaling too, like the rest of the suite).
Waseem Abdul commented
I used to use animated zoom on photoshop and illustrator so when I toggling between illustrator and indesign then I fall into the trap :/
please Adobe :* add this feature ASAP
Shannan commented
So sad.
Anonymous commented
I'm curious. Is there a significant technical difference between how Illustrator/Photoshop/Lightroom use GPU for acceleration and how InDesign does - which might explain why the feature still hasn't migrated from Mac to Windows for this one app - or is it that the performance gain is smaller, and so implementing it on Windows is a lower priority than it was for Mac? I don't buy the argument of programmers' incompetence/laziness - thay will have scoped out the feature and analysed its benefit vs development cost.
My outsider's guess is that it's a low development priority because of:
low benefits
- it doesn't actually speed-up any document task (e.g. processing text reflow, creating a PDF), unlike GPU acceleration in Photoshop/Lightroom
- InDesign users do less panning and zooming than Illustrator users
- for the moment, way fewer Windows users are on ultra-high pixel counts than Mac usershigh development cost
- there are still glitches on GPU preview on the Mac. That they haven't been fixed after several years suggests they're tough to solve, and/or intrinsic to way GPU acceleration has been implemented
- Windows graphics hardware & drivers are much more diverse than on the Mac
- Windows' approach to dpi scaling is much more complicated (and changeable) than on MacOSAnd my personal hope,
- all the engineering developers are furiously at work making InDesign's composition engine multi-threaded and can't be spared for *anything* else... -
Heksel commented
Yes please, when dealing with pages full of photos and graphics, InDesign starts going sluggish. Not to mention when exporting to PDF. My GTX 1080 is bored for doing nothing when I open InDesign lol
Andrew Watters commented
I cannot believe InDesign does not have GPU acceleration in Windows 10. Seriously, this is an important feature!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Is Adobe really this useless?
I am getting sick and tired of your new releases breaking functionality and not even providing the basics on Windows machines.
What do you do with the billions of dollars you make every year? -
SS commented
Well, I guess I'll add to the calendar postings: Last day of May 2019, and InDesign still doesn't support GPU acceleration on Windows machines.
Hugo Hou commented
OMG is 2019 still dun have GPU acceleration in inDesign
Samuel Betancourt commented
Why is this not on Windows? I really don't get it, it's 2019 and we still don't have such a basic thing like GPU acceleration in InDesign for Windows. We're all gonna appreciate it.
NK commented
It is April 2019 when I post this with InDesign 2020 in prerelease currently and GPU Acceleration in Windows is still not a feature in the latest prerelease version of InDesign for Windows! @Adobe - how hard is this to implement? Maybe in 2022?
Daniel Haddon commented
I actually only just thought to look into if inDesign had GPU support. I was startled to find out its supported on mac but not Windows...... Please could you look into this Adobe.
Anonymous commented
+100!! I'm a student and since the last update is has become a pain ********** to work with InDesign! My laptop is new, lots of memory available, so I'm running out of options now. Is it that hard to ensure that everything works fine before you give an update?
I'm sure, Adobe is getting double the amount as subscription fee from Apple users. InDesign for Windows really needs to catch up.
Maikel commented
Please make this a priority. As it stands right now it’s impossible to work with documents that have a huge number of tables with information on 4K. I have a 2080 RTX and it does nothing while working on a Mac a few years old has no problems at all. -
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Please add GPU acceleration for WIndows 10!!!