Make text variables/live captions breakable like normal text
We work a lot with pictures that get there captions from xmp meta data stored in the pictures.
There is a great feature in InDesign called textvariables/live captions ;) for this… BUT these variables don‘t wrap like normal text :(
Instead we have to convert the live captions to static text to get the proper text warp and in doing so losing our live link to the XMP meta data.
So please enhance this feature to a real feature and allow variables to wrap like normal text. Thanks!
We have added this feature in our backlog for future release
Heike Herzog-Kuhnke commented
would be great to have this as soon as possible
Yoong Hor Meng commented
Adobe Framemaker support character level formatting in text variables.
I wish this feature to be ported from FM to ID/IC.
amgine commented
I have no idea why the live and static captions don't wrap in the same way. What's that all about?
Derrick commented
This would be very helpful as our company just started using a DAM with InDesign integrations. This will allow us to easily create contact sheets with captions in InDesign and allow someone offsite to edit the text in the DAM. Because the captions don't return, we can't actually view the edits without having to recreate static captions each time.
Barb Binder commented
Yes, please! It would greatly extend the functionality of both live captions and variables. I also think adding the ability to include character styles in both would be wonderful.
Miguel Duarte commented
I mean character level formating on running headers...
Miguel Duarte commented
Most needed for long documents the ability for retain character formating like italics...!
RY commented
There is a commercial third-party plug-in in beta for this feature. See the Adobe form link below.
Scott Falkner | ACP commented
Text variables should also optionally include character level formatting. Even requiring the use of a Character Style would greatly improve the feature.
Nancy West commented
Can I vote for this 20 times???!!! This is my A #1 top feature request.
Tim Gouder commented
The Feature Request of Ben (link below) would be also a great addition!
Text variables to include auto numbers
Tobias Wantzen commented
I strongly second Tim’s and Axel’s requests!
Axel Schellkopf commented
It would be great, if the textvariables could generally be handled like normal text without losing their links, with grep styles etc.
If you want to change fonts with a grep style, the variables aren´t affected. :(