Allow different coloured/weight strokes for sides of text box
That way you could make the left and right sides of a box to have zero weight, which essentially gives you rules above and below a text box, but in a box that can be changed in shape and size

Matthew Appleton commented
This really is a must-have — if Figma can do it, why not InDesign :)
See here for a recent illustration of why this would be useful:
Being able to set a border stroke per side in a box would be incredibly useful, we could then build different object styles to cover it in layouts.
Variables that would be useful:
Ability to assign a stroke to one or more sides of a text box, crucially the left / right sides as well as top / bottom.
Stroke width / position relative to the box edge
Stroke offsets (so a stroke wouldn't have to cover the whole of a given side)
Stroke type
Stroke color
Ruth Munro commented
This would be so useful, we can do it to the cells in a table (different or no border on different sides), so why not be able to do it to a box border too?
Chrissie commented
yes, PLEASE make each side of a text box editable. So you can change and have only 1 side with a stroke, or 2 or 3 or all. And different weights on each side, etc
Maik commented
Take it a step further and handle a text box as a table with one cell. Or vice versa, handle a table as a text box with strokes and multiple cells. Other request would be instantly fulfilled. Like foot notes...
Cathie commented
OMG this would be great! Honestly, just coming here from CS5, thought for sure this would have been enabled by now. Could make things SO MUCH easier! Can't believe how LITTLE has changed from CS5 to CC2020. Do they even read these???
Anonymous commented
I have had requested it several times for many years. And yes it would, for simplicity sake, work like table's cell strokes. Four sided text frames could add or include individual strokes on each side, with different weight, line style, color,....
And BTW, this could also be applied to graphic and unassigned frames, an unified model, though it would be less usual. -
Jeremy Hart commented
How hard can it be? Just the same as table border styles.
Mike Wiley commented
Ventura Publisher had this useful and important feature circa 1997. Use it all the time for lift outs. Unbelievable that InDesign does not.
Phantom Steve commented
Agree with some other comments - frame strokes should be customisable, allowing different weights, styles and colours for each side (much the same as the corners can be different radii and styles).
I understand there may be difficulties with multi-sided objects of more than 4 sides.
But if it could be implemented for 3 or 4 sided frames that would be amazing - and it would allow for extended creative opportunities. -
Andrewtb333 commented
I was doing some diagrams showing a rail line that had bridges over it. The bridges are shown as two parallel lines with white in the middle to cover the rail line. The ends of the bridge need to remain open, so no line. The only way of doing this at the moment is as a single cell table with borders on the left and right (which is what I used) or by drawing two lines and a white box and grouping them (not ideal). I'd post a screenshot but I can't see an option anywhere.
Anonymous commented
Apply different stroke settings to different sides of a frame. ie: set a 2-sided or 3-sided stroke to an object, or specify a different color stroke for each side of an object.
Luis Felipe Corullón commented
Allow us to choose different stroke style to each side of a frame (even text, graphic or unassigned frame). Turn them on or off (or 0pt size) to each side (top, bottom, left, right).
Barbara commented
It would be great if it`s possible to set up text frame stroke options more like column stroke options.
For example it`s possible to delete the left stroke or the right stroke seperatly in column stroke options.
Unfortunalty it`s not able to delete lines in text frames.
Thanks -
ihajo commented
Applying stroke to Rectangle Frame/Rectangle Tool will add stroke to all edges, it will great if we can get to control on which side just like controlling the Object Corners
usa4cc commented
I'd love it if InDesign would allow me to have a different border for each side. For example, I would like to have a different border style and weight for different sides, just as you can in HTML and XAML.
It would really help in presentations. For example, there might be a bar on the top with a border, but no bottom border, since there is an image right under it. Since I am making a math workbook for my work, this is an issue when making shape problems, where there is a dashed line so the student can see where each section ends. I often have to delete the path and then create a line in the same spot as the previous path. It would be great if there could be options for each side, just as there is for corner options. Someone else posted about this before, but there was not enough information. Feel free to contact me if you want any more information.
Paul commented
Introduce an option to add a border to top, bottom, left or right of an object, with independent stroke widths/colours . (Like you can do with CSS)
This would save lot's of time with repetitive tasks like drawing lines, or creating extra shapes to create a simple border around the edge of certain objects.
Anonymous commented
I would love to be able to control the weight/color/style of all 4 sides of the box, so that the strokes for top/bottom/left/right did not have to all be the same.
Stefanie Höhle commented
I would love this feature too! I use the work around with a table cell as well. The problem is that if we work with Editors who only use InCopy, if they want to write more text in the cell but the text box is not big enough, the whole tablecell disapears in the layout mode. They could work in the text mode but all of my editors prefer the layout.
Interesting post *****.
The table workaround you mention, is this more of a workaround for Paragraph Borders rather than being able to have borders around Text Boxes, i feel it may be too limiting of a workaround for this feature request. Unless I am missing something here.
Will it be possible for you to share any screenshot where you have used this workaround. It would really help seeing this in action.
***** -
Kelly Vaughn commented
This effect currently be achieved using a 1-cell table, but that's a pain. I agree, it would be a great option to have. I realize that not all text frames are rectangular, but most are.
There is an old (built/in) rounded corner script that has an interesting way of handling the point order. For non-rectangular text frames, maybe the same idea could be used, where different edges of the frame can have different settings. I wrote about that rounded edge script here: