Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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408 results found
Add an option in Find/Change to "Continue from cursor position".
Presently, if you search and then "work" on what you find, and then continue your search, InDesign starts the search over from the beginning. This is frustrating.
7 votes -
Please, please turn off the automatic hyphenation in a document. This hyphenates all words at the end of all lines.
Please turn off automatic hyphenation. I publish in other languages in which any hyphenation must be manually inserted.
At the moment the automatic hyphenation places a hyphen at the end of nearly every line. This totally destroys the readability of the language.
I know that you can untick the box for every style in every chapter, but this adds a burden-and time- to the task.
3 votes -
Navigation pane
A navigation pane(Section links) that allows quick navigation between document sections
2 votes -
Total book pages variable
It would be VERY USEFUL to have a variable for the total pages of the book that updates automatically.
Personally I tremendously need it !!2 votes -
Increase section prefix 8 character limit
Can only have a section prefix of 8 letters. Would be nice to remove this limitation.
Any reason why a limit was imposed? Does it serve any purpose?
6 votes -
Can Idml file open with his own name
When I open .idml file in InDesign, it opens as Untitled-# document. Is it possible that when I open .idml it opens as the filename instead of "Untitled-#"? Because I have received some many idml files, I am spending time save as file into INDD.
17 votesHi All, this feature is now added in the latest version of InDesign i.e. InDesign 13.1.
You can upgrade your InDesign to get access to this feature.
Javed -
Zoom 100% - 1:1
In print and web documents the 100% zoom isn't acual an 1:1-size (800 pixels are not shown as 800 pixels, 20 mm are not shown as 20 mm).
I reconize that it depends on your Screensize/and os dpi settings, but that must be possibe! In Acrobat i am able to set an customize resolution (for mm) and in photoshop 800 pixel are 800 pixel at 100% zoom.12 votes -
Automatic page addition or subtraction when links are updated
Dear Team,
My organization uses InDesign to compile our tender documents which vary from about 200 pages to 3000 pages in pdf format. These documents tend to change in terms of the number of pages with each tender. It would save a lot of time if InDesign would check for the new page numbers and add or remove the pages accordingly when updating links. Currently if I update my pdf file to have a few more pages, InDesign does not recognize the extra pages and therefore excludes them all together. I have to manually add the pages which is time…
2 votes -
Master Page variables
Let's say you have a master page that your entire document uses. The document has several sections and is colour coded. The only difference between each section is a coloured band. It would be amazing if there was a way to set a variable to the section which would change the colour of that bar. Presently the only way to do this is to make several master pages and change the bar in each one.
10 votes -
Embedded Graphic check in Preflight
It would be really handy if there was a possibility to check for embedded graphics using the Live Preflight.
Thank you!
7 votes -
Add an option to show Master Page data in the links palette
Add options for showing Master Page info to the long list of item in the Links Palette options. Should definitely include "Master Page Prefix" and "Master Page Name", might as well include "Based On" and "Number of pages" while you're at it.
2 votes -
Default search folders
I have to share documents with translators who having a different folder structure on the PC. They of course have the same linked files, so when opening the document, they relink all files, then save and send me. I would then have to relink again every time when opening the document for a check, because Indesign only remembers linked files folders as long as it is running. My wish: an option to permanently add folders to primarily look in for linked files.
3 votes -
many users working on the same file simultaneously.
2 users - one is working on pages 1 to 20, other one is working from 21 to the end - but file is the same.
7 votes -
When will you bring back Mini Bridge?
We are all missing Mini Bridge, it was such a useful tool, we don't know why it was removed. Do the engineers not ask for feedback from graphic production teams about these tools before removing them?
7 votes -
Countdown page numbering
I needed to start a book with the highest number to the lower, but it's not possible to start a page from 200 until 1 instead of 1 to 200.
Could a nice function also for double language book with right reading languages and left reading languages.3 votes -
Spelling: "Ignore All" does not hold when reopening saved file
Spelling: "Ignore All" for items one doesn't want to put in the user dictionary, like proper names, citation references, etc. These one-time decisions are not sustained after saving and closing the ID file and starting again opening it the next time. Once these decisions are made, they should be saved with the file save and the user should not have to keep redoing them.
2 votes -
Make the 'next page' button in the bottom left have a drop down to toggle it between next page and next spread.
When scrolling through a document now, the view jumps between let and right. It might be less disorientating to switch quickly through the spreads than jumping left and right.
7 votes -
Tabbing Order when creating a new document
When tabbing on NEW DOCUMENT, the tab order goes from Width - Units - Height. It should go from Width - Height - Units. Illustrator does this correctly, Indesign has them in different (and distracting) order. Consistent between apps would be helpful!
6 votesThanks for making this feature suggestion. This is something that we had already started work on. Its currently in the Beta builds. I would highly encourage you all to try it out. You can follow the below link to join InDesign Pre-Release program, where the Beta builds are available for download.
allow to navigate between book files with PgUp and PgDn
F.e. hitting PgDn at end of opened document which is in book should open next document in book on 1st page or switch to 1st page of next document if already opened.
Obviously it should works with PgUp at start of document.Just like it works in Framemaker.
2 votes -
It would be great if InDesign could have back and forward buttons, similar to those in Visual Studio. I constantly have to scroll up and down for work and it would be great if there was simply a back button that would send me to the spot I was before.
2 votes
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