Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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153 results found
pages counter in book panel
It would be useful to see total number of pages in a book.
I could be displayed in the very bottom row of book panel, next to synchronize or save book icons (on the left).23 votes -
Multiple index
Support for multiple indices (Index of Subject, Index of Authors, Index of Passages, Index of pictures, index of tables).
That would greatly improve performance of work and cut a lot of time and get out books faster than before with higher accuracy!
84 votes -
InDesign Books Improvements
The Book Panel is still bare bones.
I want all the fly-out menu options for a book to be available with a secondary click/contextual menu.
I want label colors in the Book panel to mark the status of various documents/chapters.
11 votes -
Restart endnote numbering within a single document
I love that endnotes are now a feature, but am finding them to make my job more difficult as they are currently.
I'd love to see a way to restart endnote numbering within a single document--maybe after a certain paragraph style is used or after a section break. With a multi-hundred page document, it looks more clean (both in the text and in the endnotes section) and is more manageable to have lower numbers.
19 votes -
Preflight Panel: Page Range Textbox should be wider
In the preflight panel, the textbox that you can type page ranges into is simply too small, leading to confusion when you're working with higher-numbered ranges. See attached images of the same range and how digits are easily obscured.
3 votes -
Cross Reference / Hyperlink - EDITING FACILTY
I work on large catalogues all day (over 500 pages) and unfortunately the previous designers didnt have a naming convention for the hundreds of cross references. As a result its a MESS of meaningless names and broken links.Research.
I have looked over the internet to find a solution but there doesn't seem to be one (i found a script that looked promising but it didn't work).Request.
It would be great to have a panel that lists all the links/cross ref. in the document that allows you to RENAME, DELETE or EDIT the existing links.17 votes -
Running Headers to pull from previous page
Add the ability for a paragraph/character style to pull from previous page. Currently only given first on page and last on page. Need more options. example: chapter 1title is on page 1 and text crosses onto page 2. At the end of page 2 is the next chapter title, but need to be able to put the previous chapter header on page 2 as a running header.
47 votes -
make book remember relative (to book file) chapter documents path
book should "remember" documents paths relative to book own file path.
After copying whole folder with book and documents files to new place, the book is opening chapters from old place instead of the one, that they are.
Just like it is in Framemaker.To omit this error, you have to change the name of old folder.
23 votes -
Revision Lines
A way to add revision lines when working with a document that needs to track changes when they undergo revisions. This is usually helpful with technical documents that are long and change over time with regulations, updates and the sort. Similar to the framemaker feature.
Thanks so much.
9 votes -
Text variables to include auto numbers
When creating a text variable, it would be great to have it capture the auto numbering, e.g. if the heading is "1. Introduction" and the number is set as an auto number to the paragraph style, then the text variable that references that paragraph style should also pick up the number. At the moment, all you get from the text variable is "Introduction". Or at least have that as an option!
82 votes -
Inserting multipage PDF into frames
I want to be able to insert multipage PDF file into Indesign in easier way, something like: create a frame, set settings, on the first page and then I want Indesign to create exact amount of pages as in PDF file and insert it automatically to box on each page with the same settings as the box on the first page. Thank you.
13 votes -
Live references to images/figures
I need each image to have a caption which begins with "Figure 1: blah blah" and if I move the image, the caption should automatically re-number. I think I have the automatic re-numbering working using paragraph styles, but doing that seems to prohibit the other things I need to do, such as...
I need to have each image coupled with an in-text reference, like. "As seen in Figure 1, blah blah blah." And if I move the image, again, not only would the caption re-number but the in-text reference to it would re-number automatically, too.
Finally, that in-text reference should…
4 votes -
Multiple masters for pages
I design the labels for a company. They have a huge amount of products, and a lot of times the same product has a different label when the weight is different, or when the product is sold to a specific location.
It would be great to have the option to apply multiple masters per page. That way you can separate some repeating graphics that occur in certain situations. I would like to be able to have certain elements of the design be applied in certain labels, and I would like it to be with a master. So a label will…
15 votes -
Windows within Pages Panel
When working on a long document, you may need to refer back to an earlier page for information or formatting consistency. An easy way to do this would be to allow for the Pages Panel to be subdivided into windows or views of the overall docuement. That way when you are at page 120 and need to look at 80, you could simply get 80 in one window and 120 and its adjacent pages in the other. You would then be able to toggle back and forth without having to scroll all the way up and down through the whole…
4 votes -
Endnotes used to be simpler
The new endnote feature is a disaster. Please allow discrete numbering for each chapter. I can't seem to be able to restart each chapter at superscipt 1. I am creating a 400-page book that has to be in sections for editing purposes. Not only am I renumbering superscripts and then endnotes for each chapter, but who knows what will happen when I assemble the whole thing with endnotes at the end. Preliminary testing with a few chapters is somewhat comforting, but I remain sceptical.
7 votes -
make styles palette at book level (as well as variables, master pages and other shared book elements)
then, there could be a switch button in paragraph styles palette for documents (as well as other palettes) that makes all styles "inherited" from book "superpalette".
I mean, that I would make ONE set of styles which will be instantly propagated into all book documents, (which have this switch in "on" state).
I know it can be done with book "synchronize" button, but it is not working, when you change styles name in one document. Synchronizing just add this style as a new to synchronized documents, instead of changing its names everywhere.
And, last but not least, there will be…
13 votes -
synchronized scroll of two files
synchronized scroll of two or more opened files.
if I scroll the page if i checked the "synchronized scroll" flag the second document scroll with the first document.11 votes -
Add global level or book level text variables.
It would be nice to have book level text variable(s) that is used in documents in that book.
40 votes -
Please add a way within a book file to update all document's tables-of-contents.
Please add a way within a book file to update all document's tables-of-contents.
Right now, when I make a change to one document that changes page numbering, I must manually go update the TOC of every document in the book individually. This feature could easily be added to the same "Update Numbering" command within a book document.
17 votes -
Master Page Specify Following Pages
When setting up a long document, there are often opening spreads and then different pages that follow, based on specific master pages. It would be useful to be able to define the master pages so that whenever Master Page A falls, B will follow, defined automatically. Much like paragraph style sheets, where one style always follows the others, you could set it up so that when you define a page with A, then B, C, etc. will be automatically set up.
6 votes
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