Windows within Pages Panel
When working on a long document, you may need to refer back to an earlier page for information or formatting consistency. An easy way to do this would be to allow for the Pages Panel to be subdivided into windows or views of the overall docuement. That way when you are at page 120 and need to look at 80, you could simply get 80 in one window and 120 and its adjacent pages in the other. You would then be able to toggle back and forth without having to scroll all the way up and down through the whole document each time you need to reference something. To expand on this concept, you might be able to set quick linkes or tabs in the panel to easily return to critical pages. This is less hepful in a long text document but would be incredibly beneficial when the book is a complex design with imagery and text.

Anonymous commented
You can do something similar to this. To the right of the horizontal scroll bar is a little rectangle that allows you to split the layout view. Very helpful to be able to see other parts of the same document.
To set quick links or tabs...I use bookmarks to create a workaround for this. Helps for quick access to specific topics. But I like the idea of a specific function for it.