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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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197 results found

  1. Balance Columns Not Working for Tables

    Balance Columns does not work for Tables.

    Steps to duplicate:
    1. Create a large Text Frame with two columns.
    2. Enable Balance Columns on that Text Frame.
    3. Create a Table in the Text Frame with a number of rows, say 10 rows.
    4. Add a paragraph break, or return.
    5. Create a line of Text under that Table that spans columns.
    The Table ignores the Balance Columns Setting.

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  2. Column Rule colour is inconsistent vs. Fill and Stroke

    The colour applied to a Column Rule is darker than elsewhere applied, e.g., Fills and Strokes.

    1. New file.
    2. Draw a text frame (no text needed) and set the Columns to 2 and turn ON the Column Rule with default values. However, set the Colour to 10% Black.
    3. Set the Fill and the Stroke of the text frame to the very same 10% Black.

    Notice that the Column Rule is darker than the Fill and Stroke. It shouldn't be.

    Hope this helps.


    P.S. See the attached screenshot - I'm using Magenta rather than Black. Same results.

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  3. Column Rule disappears when grouped objects **with Text Wrap** are moved/nudged

    Firstly, let me just say a BIG thanks for introducing Column Rules in CC 2020.

    However, I've found a couple of problems so far.

    1. New File
    2. Draw a text frame (no text needed) and set the Columns to 2, and turn ON the Column Rule (all basic, default values).
    3. Draw another text or graphic frame (doesn't matter which) and place it anywhere (doesn't matter if it overlays the text frame, or not).
    4. Group the two objects.
    5. HERE IS THE KEY STEP: With the group selected, turn on Text Wrap (doesn't matter which... anything other than 'None').
    6. Move the group ANY…
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  4. Image tags all grouped in their own article at the end of the tags panel

    I have set up articles in multiple files InDesign 2020 (files first created in InDesign 2019 and updated to 2020 yesterday and today). When I export to PDF, all image tags are added to a new article in the bottom of the tags panel in Acrobat DC rather than in the articles that I assigned them to in InDesign. Luckily, I preserved a version of InDesign 2019 and can open them in there and export to have the tags show up in the correct place. FYI, I also made sure my layers order in InDesign is as I want it…

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    FIXED  ·  amaarora responded

    Fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2020 – that is, InDesign 15.0.1

    In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.

    Let us know in the comments section if you face any problem with the updation process.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  5. Create outlines in a document with conditional text crashes

    I have four InDesign templates created, two use conditional text while the other two do not. I have no problem creating outlines of the document without the conditional text. Every time I try to create outlines of a page in a document with conditional text, I get the endless spinning wheel and have to force quit.

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  6. Creating a catalogue with a large table FREEZING in indesign CC 2019

    We've been making a large catalogue pricelist for over 13 years using indesign.

    We're now stuck on the 2017 (12.1.0) version.
    We want to update it, but in the latest version, importing our pricelist from excel into a table, slows the whole thing down to an unworkable speed.

    the table is around 13000 rows by 10 columns. so not small.
    it does import in the 2017 version. slow to import in both, but can use and work on after import in 2017 version.
    2019, freezes when scroll used, and take 1-3 mins to unfreeze. Scroll again or do anything…

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    FIXED  ·  3 comments  ·  Crash/Freeze/Hang  ·  Admin →
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  7. Master page image appear in wrong page in page layout 32(page number) indesign CC 2017.0

    1 . Indesign Version CC 2017.0
    2. Master page image appear wrongly in page 32. If we go to CO master page and change the position of the image on the master page, the image on 32 will get disappear. But if open same file CC 2017.1 we don't have that image.
    3. In page 32 master page image was appear wrongly, Actually that image was not to come there.

    1. In page 32 only text has to be there.

    2. I attached indesign file and link and also the video showing the issue in the below link

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  8. Hex Value in Swatch Dialog Does Not Update

    InDesign 13.1 Create a new RGB or edit an existing RGB swatch. Note the Hex value in the dialog box. Switch to a different color mode and change the color values. Switch back to RGB mode. The Hex value does not update to match the new color values.

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    FIXED  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    Hello All,
    Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
    We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 15.0

    Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.

    If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.

    You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 15.0

    -InDesign Team

  9. [ID-4256670]InDesign crashes while navigating through Parent Pages in Pages Panel

    InDesign 20.0

    Click on the first parent page in the panel and use option + page down to navigate. When you reach a parent page that is not used in the document, you can go no further.

    Click the last parent in the panel and use option + page up to navigate. Either the selection jumps to the first parent page in the panel or InDesign crashes.

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    The fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2025(v20.0.1.032). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.

    If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application click on the context menu on the top right, and click on Check for App Updates.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  10. Importing Excel unformatted table text-based formulas import as "-1"

    1. Indesign 17.4

    2. steps to reproduce:
      a) In Microsoft Excel (for Mac version 16.63.1), in cell A1 add "Some text"
      b) in cell B1 add formula "=A1"
      c) save excel document .xlsx
      d) Import into indesign as Unformatted Table

    3. expected result: table cell A2 contents should be "Some text", same as A1

    4. Actual result: table cell A2 contents is "-1"

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  11. Variable font issues when exporting to PDF

    The "%" sign is showing an issue when I export to PDF. The font works with all other programs and the creators of the font have verified it is made to specification, but InDesign PDF export has an issue with it.
    Font is RobotoFlex

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  12. InDesign 17.0.1 Background Tasks Icon in Dark Mode

    In the new InDesign 17.0.1, the background task swirl is black instead of white in dark mode. (please see attached). Thx!

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  13. QuickLook preview?

    Almost every file on my computer is a Space Bar press away from a quick glance to review it's content. Many even allow for scrolling through the pages of a pdf or presentation, but InDesign still only displays and icon. Even with "Always save Preview Images with Document" selected.
    I've seen this issues being discussed back to 2007 and it still hasn't been addressed beyond "use a 3rd party"... that's a terrible answer to missing features.

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  14. Crashed dialog windows

    Steps to reproduce: First time launch, opened file and didnt dismiss tour window, then opened second file with missing font
    Result: both the tour window and the missing font window became stuck open with no way to dismiss either

    Expected: To be able to clear one, then the other
    System info
        Application: InDesign v16.3.0.5
        OS: macOS v11.2.3, RAM: 16.00 GB, CPUs (logical): 8

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  15. small window when packaging files

    InDesign 2021: When I go to package a file the window that comes up is now small. It used to be larger. I have to expand it every single time I want to package so I can see my folders. Is there a fix to put it back to the original size or if I adjust it can stay the same size?
    See attached files please.
    Thank you so much for your help.

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    The fix of the issue is now available in the latest InDesign 2021(v16.1.0.20). We recommend you upgrade to the latest version for the fix.

    If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  16. HSB Swatch Displays incorrectly with Color Settings OFF

    On Mac, when using the setting "Emulate Adobe InDesign 2.0 CMS OFF" in Color Settings, HSB color swatches display incorrectly on the page. For example, a light pastel would display as royal blue. When using "North American Prepress 2" or "North American General Purpose 2" settings, the color is displayed correctly.

    Also, the automatic names InDesign provides when using "Add Unnamed Colors" in the Swatches panel show incorrect values. See attached.

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  17. Tutorial image link is broken.

    I can't find InCopy UserVoice, so leave a message here.
    The image display on the page below is not working properly.
    Why don't you check the link again?

    And if you have InCopy UserVoice, please tell me where it is.

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  18. CC LIBRARY BUG/ISSUE / indesign 2021 16.0

    In photoshop when I click on an asset in cc libraries to edit that was created in INDESIGN - Indesign does not open to allow me to edit that asset. INDESIGN previous version would launch automatically when an asset was clicked to edit!

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  19. Inline Text Frame beside another inline Text Frame when Auto-Size

    • Make Text Frame and write word "Second".
    • Cut the Text Frame.
    • Make larger Text Frame and paste the "Second" Text Frame inside.
    • Select the character represented the Text Frame copy and paste before without any space between.
    • Select the second one change Auto-Size to Height Only.
    • Select the first one and change Auto-Size to Height Only.
    • Crash!
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  20. 15.1.2 inserting ANY html is not working

    bug only appears on inDesign 15.1.2 on OSX.
    I tested on inDesign 15.1.1 and inDesign 14.x and it had no issue.
    I also tested on inDesign 15.1.2 on Windows and it had no issue.

    Steps to reproduce the issue:
    -click on "object" -> "insert HTML code" then click "ok". changing the HTML snippet or not make no difference.

    Expected result:
    an HTML item is added and previewed correctly without any error message

    Actual Result:
    The preview of the HTML snippet is not working and after a few seconds, a dialog modal appears saying "Waiting time exceeded for HTML renderer.…

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