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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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6801 results found

  1. Catastrophic loss of index data

    Yesterday I laboriously created an index of a 60-page document. Today, half of the index entries are gone. And the IDML backup I made of the file shows all index entries as "PN," which, of course, is totally incorrect.

    It appears that the file lost all index entries after page 40, yet I know they were there yesterday, since I entered them laboriously for hours on end.

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  2. Adding new facing pages moves shape layers on other pages

    I am designing facing pages for a 300 page book layout in InDesign V16.0.1. When I add a new set of facing pages above pages that have existing graphic elements on them, the a few of the shape layers on some of the below pages shift approx. 18 points to the left or right for seemingly no reason. It is not all of the shape layers on all the pages, it's just one here and there, and sometimes it's text layers too. None of these elements are grouped with any others, and they are not Master Page elements. It appears…

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  3. pb signalement changement local dans un paragraphe

    Quand on applique un style de caractère – que l'on a créé – à un mot dans un paragraphe qui a un style de paragraphe, Indesign ne le signale plus avec le +
    Il ne le fait que si c'est un cmd+maj+B ou cmd+maj+i

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  4. Spaces are added wheb words with kerning are exported to PDF

    InDesign 15.1.2

    I have in InDesign file some words with spacing (kerning 150). When exporting to PDF, Instead of this, I receive additional spaces between letters, which I don't want to have. In some cases, it happens that some words are good exported, without spaces, but correct with kerning.
    Why is that, what should I do to obtain in PDF words without spaces between letters?

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    1 comment  ·  Crash/Freeze/Hang  ·  Admin →
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  6. PDF Exporting blank Docs - Using Catalina 10.15.7 and Indesign 16.0.1

    Created file like normal. Everything is set like it should be for the printer, CMYK, no missing links etc. Export as a PDF/x-1a. Creates a blank document. I tried to create a pdf with a separate document with just text, still exports blank. Tried it with just a colored box and same issue.Everything is blank! I also tried Saving the file as a JPEG and it too is blank!

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  7. PDF Exporting blank Docs - Using Catalina 10.15.7 and Indesign 16.0.1

    Created file like normal. Everything is set like it should be for the printer, CMYK, no missing links etc. Export as a PDF/x-1a. Creates a blank document. I tried to create a pdf with a separate document with just text, still exports blank. Tried it with just a colored box and same issue.Everything is blank! I also tried Saving the file as a JPEG and it too is blank!

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  8. PDF Exporting blank Docs - Using Catalina 10.15.7 and Indesign 16.0.1

    Created file like normal. Everything is set like it should be for the printer, CMYK, no missing links etc. Export as a PDF/x-1a. Creates a blank document. I tried to create a pdf with a separate document with just text, still exports blank. Tried it with just a colored box and same issue.Everything is blank! I also tried Saving the file as a JPEG and it too is blank!

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  9. Placing Graphics is missing from online User Guide Manual

    When going to InDesgin online User Guide, the whole section of placing images is missing (Both in English and Hebrew - didn't check other languages).

    I mentions this in Adobe Support Communities on May 22, 2019 Here:

    1. Adobe InDesign Middle Eastern Version, 2019-2021

    2. Steps to reproduce the issues : Go to InDesign User Guide:

    On the left under the topic list, there is no topic for Placing Graphics.

    1. Expected result: The topic should appear in user guide, in all languages including Hebrew.

    2. Actual result: The topic is missing.

    This topic exist when you google search it, but not…

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  10. Text originated from MS Word yields problematic results when exported to HTML (excessive <span> statements)

    I’ve stumbled upon a bug evident in text originated from MS-Word, which affects the HTML structure when exported from InDesign. Originally I encountered it with Hebrew text in heavily-style-driven paragraphs, however I re-created it in a completely “clean” style environment as well:

    (1) Create a new file in MS-Word. Type some text into it (as “Lorem Ipsum”).

    (2) Copy the text and Paste into InDesign.

    (3) Reset the Paragraph Style; then apply a Character style to the text (it could be a Character style with no attributes).

    (4) Paste the same text into Notepad, then Copy it again from Notepad…

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  11. hyperlink conflict when exporting epub

    Indesign 16.01
    manual back-linking of endnotes: since indesign does not generate back links from endnotes in exported pdfs (unlike in epub), I made a manual backlink by defining a text anchor on the endnote reference in the text and hyperlinking the number of the endnote to that anchor.
    After doing this however, if i then try to export as an epub it seems the manual hyperlink causes a conflict with the epub export, which results in the program freezing indefinitely requiring manual shutdown by ending task in Windows (10. 20H2)

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  12. Downloading PDF after publishing to Adobe

    when i publish the document to the Adobe - Cloud; it does provide me option to download to PDF; however that PDF is not interactive PDF.. is there a setting for that ?

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  13. PDF exports spreads when set to single pages

    In ID2021, when I export this document as single pages in interactive mode, it exports as spreads. When I save as IDML and open in 2020, it works.

    (No attachment because I couldn't post with attachment.)

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  14. PDF exports spreads when set to single pages

    In ID2021, when I export this document as single pages in interactive mode, it exports as spreads. When I save as IDML and open in 2020, it works.

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  16. save window so small and compact

    The new version of InDesign's save window by default is small and compact. Why did it change? I work on Server's and very robust paths. it's a pain to always expand the window to just see further down a path to save.

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  17. hyperlinks

    You create hyperlinks for your pages - and nothing appears in the Hyperlinks panel, so you cannot see what you've already hyperlinked!!!

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  18. Arrows not working in Effects Dialog Box / Drop Shadow section

    In InDesign 16.0.1 x64 in the Drop Shadow section of the Effects Dialog Box, there are some values where the arrows are not working. They are 1) Distance, 2) X Offset, 3) Y Offset and 4) Size (marked on the attached file).
    These values should change(increase/decrease) either by pressing the arrows on the keyboard or the little arrows to the left of the value. This isn't happening in the latest version of InDesign. I looked at other effects sectios and the arrows seem to work everywhere else.

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  19. IndexOptions are lost in IDML when you use styles in a style group

    Version Indesign 2020
    Steps to reproduce.
    1. Create a document with an index
    2. Create styles for the index in a style group
    3. Generate an index with the styles that are in a style group
    4. Save as IDML
    5. Open the IDML
    6. Try to generate the index

    Expected result: The settings/options in 'Generate Index' are kept as they were in the original file.

    Actual Result: The options are reset to the default styles, not the styles inside the style group.

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  20. Option bar on Save and Place windows

    Since the recent update to 2021, when I save, export, or place image, the window that opens is so small and there are now options at the bottom that I don't need and the area to select a file is only big enough to see 3 or 4 files.

    Can you make this window larger so you don't have to expand the window size or hide the options every time? It gets monotonous.

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