Export to JPG generates yellow horizontal lines
yellow lines in all my image exports (PNG / JPG)... When giving it more pixels/inch the lines change position and are less wide.

Fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2021 – that is, InDesign 16.2.1
In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.
Let us know in the comments section if you still face this problem.
Adobe InDesign Team
Lydia commented
Samen problem here
Bert commented
We're having the same issue, hopes a solution is quickly made by Adobe!
Anonymous commented
We are having the same issue as well. Quick band aid is to export as pngs then convert to jpeg if needed.
Anonymous commented
I'm having the same issue. Windows 10
Mel commented
For anyone needing an urgent solution.
Exporting the jpeg as 300dpi removed the yellow lines.
I then changed them back to 72dpi in Photoshop.
Josh N commented
Having the same issues ever since doing the last update.
Melanie Buckley commented
Is there a solution in the meantime? As I need to supply files to a client
Amanda commented
I have the same issue! Very frustrating. Is there any fix??
Sinead commented
Hi there I am also having this issue. I have uninstalled and then reinstalled and it's still happening.
Can you please fix ASAP as I have deadlines and work to do!
Harm vR commented
I am having the same issues. Very inconvenient. Any solution yet??
Jolanda commented
I have the same problem, what is the solution?????
Jelle Hellinga commented
Same issue here, the yellow lines. I can't finish my work. Please fix it quick.
Shiva commented
We are also facing same issue and its impacting our business needs. Kindly provide and solution ASAP
Tushae Design commented
I also have the same problem! Very frustrating! When will this be fixed Adobe?????
G commented
Same problem.
Fix it as soon as possible please ;)
beyoudesign commented
Experiencing the same issue when exporting Indesign files to jpg and png. Is there a solution yet?
KA Digital Marketing commented
Is there a resolution yet? This is not ideal.
Ry commented
I'm having the same issue. Any solution yet?
Tricia H commented
Thanks for looking into this. I have had to export to PDF, open in Photoshop and save as JPEGs, rather than export directly to JPEG from InDesign.
Peter Humphries commented
Also have the same problem :(