Opening Text Wrap panel crashes application
- Indesign 2021
- Place image, open text wrap panel, does not open panel and crashes.
Happens with any image and any document. Panel opens fine if pic box empty.
OsX Mojave.
Gone back to 2020.

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – version 16.1
Please update to this version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Rinske commented
When i want to edit any text block in an existing file my Indesign crashes. Latest update...
Joel Goodman commented
can you please remove this comment as being the answer/fixed as it is not fixed and still occurring even after the update.
sajid moinuddin commented
"WRAP AROUND OBJECT SHAPE" has a blue dot on it and everytime you click on it INDESIGN 2021 crashes. What's the solution? we can't seem to use text wrap around an object in the layouts. My OS is MOJAVE 10.14.3.
Anonymous commented
Still crashing, 16.0.1. I did some testing and i think it has to do with the nature of the object being wraped, seems to work fine on shapes but crashes on placed images, or more complex shapes.
Anonymous commented
The issue seems to have something to do with Mojave. We had this exact issue, then updated to Big Sur and no longer have this problem. Don't know if upgrading the OS is an option for you, but it worked for us.
Anonymous commented
I was the original poster - it's not completely fixed. Panel now opens ok but the "wrap around object shape” still crashes.
Icon also has a “blue dot” on it sometimes - never seen this before, what does it mean?
Ronan McDonnell commented
No, it isn't fixed. I just had 16.0.0 crash for this reason, was directed to this page, updated to 16.0.1, and it crashed again.
Anonymous commented
This still seems to be an issue. Having the problem on a mac mini 2018, running Mojave
Christian commented
Repeating crashes by adjusting table and/or image in a cell after a certain time. Seems to be a storage issue. Only a system restart helps for al little while (catalina). Struggling with images/objects in tables is a known issue throughout several versions of InDesign. It's highly time to solved it finally! I'm not your beta-tester!
Anonymous commented
Same problem!
Luis Felipe Corullón commented
Now the panel brings up. But, when the "AI" subject wrap is selected, crash again. Tested three times.
Anonymous commented
same problem here - when is the fix update being released?
Anonymous commented
Same exact problem as described above!
Luis Felipe Corullón commented
Every time I try to access text-wrap panel my InDesign crashes.
Don't matter how I do it.
If I have an object selected and press ctrl+alt+w ID crashes.
If I have an object selected and click on panel's icon placed on my sidebar, ID crashes.
The only way I can make this work is opening the panel before to select the obejct. -
Luis Felipe Corullón commented
Every time I try to access text-wrap panel my InDesign crashes.
Don't matter how I do it.
If I have an object selected and press ctrl+alt+w ID crashes.
If I have an object selected and click on panel's icon placed on my sidebar, ID crashes.
The only way I can make this work is opening the panel before to select the obejct. -
Andrea commented
When selecting an image or text box, then clicking on the text wrap window panel, the program crashes, when it is under another window panel.
Caleb Timmreck commented
No it isn't intermittent. It's every time.
Yes my InDesign is up to date.
Obviously that means the latest release has not fixed the problem.