Crash when "fitting frame to content" on an inline-anchored textframe (inline or above line)
Last week i noticed that InDesign crashes when I fit the textframe to its contents, when that textframe is anchored as "text" inside another textframe (anchor-option: incline or above line) when it is not separated by paragraph breaks or whitespaces.
I have a file that has one textframe for the main column. In it I placed several smaller textframes with more than one column as textelements.
I didn't separate them by a space or linebreak. When fitting one of the smaller frames to its content by double clicking the lower reference point in the middle to get rid of whitespace inbetween the smaller frames, indesign crashes immediatly.
When adding linebreaks inbetween the anchored textframes inside the main one, the "fitting frame to content"-action works fine.
Attached is a video of the problem.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Please fix the problem.
My company is using this textframe-in-textframe solution as templates to automatically populate the frames with text using a script. When executing that script Indesign crashed and we had to go look for the issue. Fixed the templates by adding linebreaks.
I added my bugreport on another Bug that seemed similar but after reviewing it it seems like it's a separate bug:
Maybe it's still helpful...

Thank you for reporting this issue.
We’re reviewing this shortly.
Adobe InDesign team
Claudio Marconato commented
I have the same problem with CC2020 version 15.1.1, the same operations work well on InDesign CC2019 version 14.0.3.
That's another bug introduced by version 15? -
Anonymous commented
Hello Sanyam Talwar,
I'm currently running InDesign 2020.1.1(v15.1.1.103) and tried to recreate the bug with the same result: InDesign immediately crashes.
Here are the steps again, justto clarify:
1) Insert two textframes into a bigger one as inline-anchored objects.
2) Have them not separated by a linebreak or whitspace – they have to be in the same line right after each other.
3) The Outer Textframe is not as wide as both of the anchored frames combined, so they'll appear not next but under each other in the textframe.
4) Fit one of the smaller frames to its contents by double clicking the middle anchor-point of the frame or alternatively hit the button "Fit frame to contents" in the action-bar on the top.
5) Indesign immediatly crashes.The problem works still the same as in my original video.
Attached you'll find an indesign document for demonstration. You just have to fit one of the inner frames to its content and the software crashes.
It seems that i cant attach any files, so here is a downloadlink: -
We have released InDesign 2020.1.1(v15.1.1.103) with a lot of stability fixes. We recommend you to upgrade to latest version (if you’re not already on it) as it is more robust.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
• Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when InDesign freeze?
• Video recording of the issue?
• Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, could you provide the document(s)/asset(s) to us? Please package the entire document (To package the document, choose File → Package…)—
Adobe InDesign Team -
Bastian S. commented
I have tested this in the current version of InDesign ( and have the same issue - InDesign crashes instantly.
Resizing single Textboxes was fine - till i doubleclicked one of the handles => Instant crash.
See attached Screenrec (Video also shows the version number at the beginning)
Anonymous commented
I'm using InDesign 15.0.2