Data Merge function "Honor existing frame fitting option" is not working on master pages
Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
Adobe InDesign 15.0.1
macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
iMac 27 Zoll End 2012
Steps to reproduce the issues
See also attached video
Open the file > 01ExposeTEMPXMLStart.indd
Generate a merged document by clicking the button
Choose "Honor existing frame fitting" in Content Placement Options
Click [OK]
Jump to page 1 in the merged document
The pictures are placed without honoring the existing frame fitting options from the object style
This only happens with frames that are placed on a master page. The same frame on a document page works fine
Expected result
Data Merge should honor the new feature "Honor existing frame fitting options" on master pages al well
Actual result
The existing frame fitting options even by object style applied is ignored
If a object style is already applied you can remove the local override by pressing the "delete local override" button
Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
Video and sample files attached

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – that is, InDesign 15.0.2.
Please update your InDesign application to get this fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Anonymous commented
4/21/20 Nope this is not fixed. I've been fighting with it all day. Updated to this version and everything. It is not honoring the choice I've made for how to fit the images. Frustrating!!!
Tim Gouder commented
I can confirm that the BUG is fixed :) Thank you very much Ravi and Sanyam!
Tim -
Tim Gouder commented
Hi Ravi, good to hear :)
Thank you very much!
Pragya Kandari asked me in the Adobe InDesign Prerelease Form to file a bug report.
That is why I postet the BUG here :)
Tim -
Tim Gouder commented
Here you can finde the demo files I used >
Kristen Katz commented
That's fantastic! I hadn't stumbled on this new change in 2020 yet but now that I know it's been added I'll keep an eye out! Thank you!
Kristen Katz commented
When you set up a file for use with Data Merge it would be great if it would remember and re-use how you have set the fitting for images that will be imported. So you could have view found areas zoomed in or crop out things with your object box. Right now it just fits to the box full size and ignores any fitting you may have done before hitting merge.