Variable Fonts don't display correct via PDF export
I'm very excited to see variable fonts in InDesign, thank you!
However, when using variable fonts in an InDesign document, exported PDFs show overlaps (as in the crossbar of /A), as well as inconsistent stem weights, spacing, and alignments in various glyphs. These issues occur in multiple variable fonts I've tested.
If I use static fonts or convert fonts to outlines using Type > Create Outlines these issues don't show up. These issues are present when viewing PDFs in both Acrobat and Preview (see screenshots attached). These variable fonts work fine in web browsers and other applications that support variable fonts (FontView etc).
Please fix this so that PDFs which contain live type show up the same as those where Type > Convert Outlines is used. Thank you.
Safari_Thin_instance.png 35 KB -
Chrome_Thin_instance.png 34 KB -
fontmake_Thin_instance_.png 45 KB -
InDesign_Thin_intsance_outlined_still_has_problem.png 33 KB -
InDesign_Thin_instance.png 52 KB -
test_VF_export_InDesign_VF_Live_Text.pdf 564 KB -
InDesignVF_PDF_export_Create_Outlines_vs_Live_Type_Acrobat.png 188 KB -
InDesignVF_PDF_export_Create_Outlines_vs_Live_Type_Preview.png 497 KB

This has been fixed with InDesign version 15.0.2
Please update to the latest version to check the fix
Stan commented
I believe it is the same issue. I attached preview of an error. This makes using variable font unusable in InDesign – above is the same text in InDesign and below exported PDF version.
Is there any news on the issue? -
Thomas Phinney commented
I am experiencing this as well. It is a set of additional distortions and behaviors, on top of the basic ones that affect screen and print, that only occur on PDF export.
CJ Dunn commented
I emailed you a sample document. Than you!
CJ Dunn commented
I emailed you a sample document. Than you!
Anonymous commented
second that
CJ Dunn commented
When using a variable font in InDesign, some glyphs collapse even when I use Type > Create Outlines, so it's not just a display issue. The same glyph in the same named instance displays correctly in browsers, Chrome and Safari, and other apps that support variable fonts, like FontView. (screenshots are attached)
Please fix this so that variable fonts display the same in InDesign as they do in other applications, thank you!