Drag-Duplicating using Alt/Opt key does not work if key is pressed after dragging
InDesign 2020 OPTION Duplicate is now broken, just like Photoshop has always been.
Don't make me commit to the duplicate before moving an item.
Sometimes I'll move a box, then realize I intended to duplicate it, so then I'll press OPTION... now I have to commit to it FIRST.
Fix this and stop breaking things!

This issue has been fixed in the latest update of InDesign 2022 - version 17.3
Please update to this latest version of InDesign using Creative Cloud Desktop Application to get the fix.
InDesign team
David Cuesta commented
Still happneing and super annoying I use drag copy like 50 times a day. Requires an extra key press everytime. (&)%£&)^@!(*$^£
Anonymous commented
CC 2020 has to be the buggiest update in recent years.
Anonymous commented
Command+Alt drag duplicate doesn't work in ID2020. Why break this short cut that, you know, I've only been using for about 10 YEARS? What's the reason? I know you can hold down Alt and then duplicate but there's a wait while the two arrows become one. It's a small thing but it's not intuitive and takes longer.
Please FIX THIS back to how it was! -
Tom Van Damme commented
Any feedback on this? We've had a few updates since then, but still no fix.
Matej commented
Please Please Fix it!!! - It is totaly annoying in quick production!!!
Eli commented
yes. Same thing happens here on a mac (high Sierra) with indesign 2020
Very annoying, please fix it back to how it was! -
Matej commented
Id version 15.0: Duplication with ALT + mouse click on object not work propelry ... if you click and move an object and then press ALT, then the thing doesn't work as in previous versions ... Only if I press first ALT and then mouse click on object and move ...
Anonymous commented
Since I updated to Indesign 2020 a few days ago, alt + drag to copy objects no longer works.
David Cuesta commented
I have the same issue, when I am duplicating stuff on a layout. The issue I wrote about below is separate issue tho, in pages it's not the same issue.
David Cuesta commented
Drag-duplicating an object with Alt key pressed does not duplicate, if moving on a separate page stopped working in Adobe Indesign 2020