Nested Line Styles interfere with Grep Styles
I'm experiencing a bug where Nested Line Styles are interfering with Grep Styles.
To reproduce:
1. Create a Character Style "Small Caps" that only applies OpenType All Small Caps.
2. Create a Character Style "No Break" that only applies the No Break rule.
3. Create a Paragraph Style "Test":
a. In Nested Styles, add Small Caps for 1 line
b. In Grep Styles, add:
i. Small Caps: ([\u\d&@#\$%/]{2,}(?!\l{2,}))|([\d&@#$%]+)|(I'D)
ii. No Break: (?<=.{55}).{15}$
4. Fill with placeholder text, and add a string of capital letters (something that matched the Small Caps grep) somewhere in the middle
You'll notice that the line style and grep small caps work, but the No Break style isn't being applied. Switch the order of the grep styles (No Break first) and now it's the opposite—No Break works but not Small Caps.
Now, remove the Line Style, and suddenly both grep styles work.
Refer to the attached screen shot. I can also provide a sample .indd file with the styles prepared. I've used styles set up like this for a while without problems, so this may be related to a recent InDesign update.

Thanks for reporting this issue.
We’ll look into it.
Adobe InDesign team
sboerner commented
Same. Indesign for Windows 17.1 x64. Very frustrating bug, please fix.
Josh Langman commented
I ran into this same issue (though in my case it seems to affect all GREP styles). As far as I can tell, adding a nested line style breaks all GREP styles applied to the paragraph. This is a significant problem; please investigate. Thank you.
Chad Beery commented
I ran into this exact issue in InDesign 2020 Version 15.1.1.
It's a very frustrating bug, I'll just have to avoid using nested line styles until this is fixed.