Object style size property crashes InDesign when used with Libraries
I have recreated this bug on both Mac and PC InDesign 13.0
- Create a text box
- Insert a table with any number of table cells
- Draw a rectangle anywhere
- Create a new Object Style and set Size and Position Options -> Size -> Adjust: to Height Only
- Apply the Object Style to the rectangle
- Cut and past the rectangle into one of the cells of the table
- Create a new Library file
- Drag the text box into the Library
- Try drag the Library item back out onto the page... It should crash.
This has become very problematic for us because we use the Libraries a lot for commonly used table designs. We are having to avoid the new Size Options in Object Styles. It seemed like a good feature that we had been waiting for... But not working for us yet.
I have attached a Library file with an item that will crash InDesign 13

Fix is available in version 13.1 of InDesign.
Please update to the latest version available to you via Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Adobe InDesign team