Cannot place this file. No filter found for requested operation
CC 2018
Cannot place this file. No filter found for requested operation
When trying to PLACE an EPS file get the above error. Reinstalled CC 2017 and using the exact same file works. Attached is the EPS file that we used.

Fix of the issue is now available in InDesign’s latest November’17 update.
Please upgrade to the latest version InDesign CC 13.0.1 for the fix.
If you are unable to see the update, go to Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.
InDesign Team
Anonymous commented
I have a fully updated version of InDesign - am still getting this error message.
[Deleted User] commented
same error, exported table from Google docs to excel, opened it in excel and saved it again, did not work, CC is upto date.
Anonymous commented
Same error. Up to date ID CC. When placing .xlsx
Anonymous commented
Has this been fixed? I'm trying to place a xcel doc into IND 13.1 and I keep getting the same error. My IND is updated.
Frustrated User! commented
I just updated and I'm having the issue with various files, but not all. Not sure what the diff is...some EPS, JPG, GIF and PNG.
Meghan Skornia commented
Same problem, all up to date and can't place excel files
Anonymous commented
Its not fixed !! Ive just updated my Indesign and now cant drag a picture in to it. What the hell are you up to Adobe !
Anonymous commented
I was getting the same issue with exported .xlsx linking. Not a great solve, but I figured out that if I opened the .xlsx file and just saved it without making any changes, it was able to link...
Justina commented
Same as Scott Boggs - CC is up to date and I receive an error when a numbers Sheet is exported to xlsx.
Anonymous commented
Having this issue with placing excel copy into 13.0.1
SB commented
I tried with both CC 2018 and CS6 and it still doesn't work. I keep getting the same message with both versions.
Scott Boggs commented
I have cc 13.0.1 and I am receiving the above error on a Sheet exported to xlsx
Peter commented
Same problem here.
EPS-files were created in Freehand and are still in use here...
EPS-Files created in Illustrator cann be placed with import options showing and change the tif-preview to "change postscript to pixel" ( I am using the german version, so I do not know the engish translation".
This solution is not working with Freehand EPS data because the error message shows up before getting into the import options... -
Reinhard Thomas commented
I can report the same issue with an older EPS file (that I cannot share with you unfortunately). It shows the same error message on multiple computers while InDesign CC 2017 doesn't have an issue with the file.