Table headers disappear when pasting
Several times now I've cut & pasted a table from one part of my document to another only to find the headers disappear. Inserting a row makes the headers reappear.
I'm usig x64 build.

Please update InDesign to the latest version, InDesign CC 2018 (13.0) for the fix of the issue.
Gabrielle Disario commented
Where do I find IND 2018? My Creative Cloud only shows 2017 and shows me as up to date?
Bastian Saris commented
The fix only helps in 80-90% of the cases - you still have to take care!
Bastian Saris commented
oh yeah... the worst thing is - EVEN THE PDF EXPORTS WITHOUT TABLEHEADERS WHEN IT HAPPENS!! (Sorry - had to caps that - because... what the hell? almost printed a catalogue without Tableheaders!!)
Bastian Saris commented
the fix doesn't help 100% - it's still happening randomly... - please fix disapearing table headers!
Adminamaarora (Admin, Adobe InDesign) commented
We have a fix for this problem posted here. try and let us know if this solved your problem
Glen Bal commented
Great! This fixed the problem!
Bob commented
Our team is having issues with header rows on tables disappearing. We can't be sure, but we think it follows after an InCopy user opens a file. There is plenty of real estate in the text box but if we adjust the size by moving the box grabber bars they pop back in. We can save it but it happens again. We're not using header rows anymore since it happens too often.
Adminamaarora (Admin, Adobe InDesign) commented
We have a fix for this problem posted here. try and let us know if this solved your problem
Glen Bal commented
The headerrows get invisible or with a height of zero when you open an idml-file.
To recreate this issue:
1. Open Indesign and create a new file.
2. Create a table with a headerrow and save the file it as idml.
3. Open the idml-file in IndesignWhat do I expect? A roundtrip to idml should give me headerrows.
Version: Indesign CC 2017.1 ( x64 Build) on Windows 10
Attached is an image of the table when it is saved and an image after opening the idml. Also attached you can find the idml-file.
Anonymous commented
This bug is unpredictable it will work for half a document and then stop working.This has been happening for months! With all the updates you make, surely you can get this fixed. Really awful. Tables are a key feature of IND. Please fix this.
Adminamaarora (Admin, Adobe InDesign) commented
Yes this is a known issue with the CC 2017.1 ( ×64 build) release of InDesign. We have posted a plugin that can help you fix the issue. Please follow the instructions on the below link to get the plugin. note that this fix is only for InDesign CC 2017.1 application.
Info needed: Let us know if the fix works for you.
PS: I dont know how the comment got deleted.
Michael Prescott commented
Should I be able to see 'amaarora's comment here? I got an email notification this was a known issue, there was a plugin to fix affected documents, but I don't see that comment here. Then I get an email that this issue is 'Need More Info'. What more info is needed?