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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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206 results found

  1. [ID-4216065]Hyperlinks copy/pasted between files *appear* to break after source document is removed.

    Using CC2019 on a Mac running High Sierra

    Steps to reproduce:
    1) Create a document with a few hyperlinks in it.
    2) Whilst this document is open, open a 2nd document, and copy/paste the links from one document to the other.
    3) Save both and close.
    4) Trash source document

    Expected result: hyper links should work in Target document as expected.

    Actual result: hyperlinks all appear broken in document. Whilst an exported PDF appears to still work, ID reports all those links as broken.

    Other details:
    If you retrieve the source document from the trash, it the links in the…

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  2. [ID-3934389]Copying animations loses timing panel settings

    When copying/duplicating animations (using ANY method), the timing panel settings are completely lost. This is really bad for complicated animations. The timing panel settings should be maintained when animations are copied/pasted or duplicated in any way.

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting this issue. We’re currently reviewing it.

    Adobe InDesign team

  3. InDesign, latest version. GREP: find period (.) character followed by endnote reference number. Should be (\.)(~U) but doesn't seem to work.

    GREP: find period (.) character followed by endnote reference number. Should be (.)(~U) but doesn't seem to work.

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting the issue. As confirmed from you all, the crash issue is not happening with latest InDesign build. The only remaining issue is that of Grep not working when a period is followed by an endnote marker

    We will look into the issue shortly.


  4. InDesign .indd Files Opening in After Effects

    1 - InDesign CC version 14.0.2
    2 - Double click a .indd file in bridge
    3 - Opens in InDesign
    4 - Opens in After Effects

    I've reinstalled InDesign and reset the default program in windows. Any help with this would be appreciated.


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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting. We are looking into the issue

    -Adobe InDesign Team

  5. Anchored Object Lock/Prevent Manual Position Override

    The Prevent Manual Positioning creates a Locked Object, but unlocking the widget doesn't remove the Prevent manual override.

    When you check to "Prevent Manual Override" an anchored object receives a lock adornment. An object Style can be created from this object. If that lock is unlocked the Object style shows as override, but the "Prevent Manual Override" is still checked.

    If the object style is redefined. The lock adornment is still unlocked, and the "Prevent Manual Positioning" is still checked. Reapplying the style locks the object.

    There should be more consistent behaviour of "Prevent Manual Positioning" and the "Lock". Even…

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  6. Shortcut for duplicate in InDesign doesn't work on MacBook Pro

    The keyboard shortcut for Duplicate (option+command+shift+D) in Indesign 14.0.1 doesn't work on my MacBook Pro (OSX 10.14.3).
    The work around is to either Alt+Drag or to select the item, select the Edit Menu and then hit the shortcut.

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  7. Crash when working with book TOC

    I have a book with 10 chapters. I created a TOC earlier and left it for a few months while working on the chapters. When I try to update the TOC, the program crashes. I've tried the create new TOC files. Same result.
    Same issue on both desktop and laptop.

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks, we were able to reproduce the issue and looking into it.


  8. Weight remains on text when exported to pdf even if changed to zero.

    I am using InDesign CC 2019 14.01 x64.

    Once a stroke weight has been added, if you then change the stroke weight back to zero, then when you export to pdf the pdf will have a stroke weight added to the text, even though the indesign document looks correct. It may not have the original amount of weight that was added, but it will definitely have what looks to be around a .2 weight added.

    However, if you were to start a new document, then add stroke weight, then click edit - undo stroke weight, then it would export to…

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  9. Conditional text is not applied correctly after line break in IDMLs

    If Unconditional text follows a line break where another Paragraph Style is applied with Conditional text, making an IDML out of the document will change the Unconditional text to Conditional.

    Please see example screenshots.

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    2 comments  ·  IDML Export  ·  Admin →
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  10. Typo in ID print settings. Adobe ID -> Print -> Setup -> Paper Size, in the dropdown it should say ‘SRA3’ but it now says ‘<‘

    Typo in ID print settings.

    Adobe ID -> Print -> Setup -> Paper Size, in the dropdown it should say ‘SRA3’ but it now says ‘<‘

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  11. Bad optical kerning for superscript "4"

    When a superscript "4" follows a closing smart quotation mark, optical kerning is set to -60 or -70 depending on font. This is too close (basically a crash).

    This is annoying for books with lots of endnotes, where superscript numbers usually follow quotation marks.

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting the issue
    We are reviewing it

    -InDesign Team

  12. Crash on deleting duplicated XML tag

    Indesign CC 2019 (Version 14.0.1)
    Mac OS Mojave on Mac mini (Late 2014)

    Hello, I have a document ready to import XML data, with existing XML structure and tagged elements in page.
    Afterwards I import XML data into XML structure and then duplicate (copy and paste) text frame that contains a table with an image placed into a cell table.
    If I try to delete resulting duplicated XML tag, application crashes.
    Same result if I duplicate (copy and paste) XML tag directly.

    These are the steps:

    1) Open document with prepared XML structure and tagged elements in page.
    2) Import…

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  13. Crash when placing DOCX with paragraphStyles

    Version: InDesign 14.0.1, macOS 10.14.3

    1. Open attached InDesign document (please rename .jpg in .indd, there was a bug while uploading the file)
    2. Place "ThisDocumentHasParagraphStyles.docx" in the document
    3. InDesign crashes :-(

    It seems it has something to do with the ParagraphStyles that are in the Word document. If I try to place the DOCX file named "ThisDocumentDOESNTHaveParagraphStyles.docx", then InDesign doesn't crash.

    Attached is a screen video capture of the process (rename .jpg in .mp4 please)

    Please help!

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  14. Invisible character

    Apply all Auto Edits inserts an invisible character before which then interferes with Find and Replace. When pasted into a GREP search, it looks like ~I, but can't be found. It can be manually removed, but this is not helpful, as I need to be able to perform a comprehensive Find/Replace.

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  15. Keyboard shortcuts to change case not working on Windows

    Keyboard shortcuts to change case of lines of text is no longer working. Apart from Alt-T to get up the text menu, I'm now having to use the mouse to select the further options to change to Title case. The sequence Alt-T-E-T, no longer works. As I frequently have many entries which need unifying each time I use it, this once useful feature is sorely missing. Please can you fix it Adobe?

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  16. PDF Hyphenation Bug when line has cross-reference, hyphenated word, and option is to create Tagged PDF

    When exporting an InDesign document to PDF, the hyphenated word is displayed incorrectly in the output PDF.

    It only happens with a line that has cross-reference object, hyphenated word, and option is to create Tagged PDF.

    InDesign 2019 (14.0.1) (MAC/PC) . Also tried it with previous versions and it has the same issue.

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  17. Tabs in Arabic text move weight declaration to the wrong place

    When placing an Arabic weight statement (e.g. "13g") followed by a tab and a percentage (e.g. "19%"), the weight declaration ("g" or "mg") moves to the percentage when exporting to pdf. Only when setting PDFX/1a:2001 is selected the output is correct. But this setting removes all layers and flattens transparencies so it's not very useful.
    A workaround is to place a space after the tab (so on the left side since this is a right to left language).
    See screen shot in attachment. On top = InDesign file, bottom = pdf created from this file using PDFX/4. The top line…

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  18. Multi-state objects and animated elements not working on State 1

    InDesign CC 2019 14.0:

    I have a 4 state multi-state object. Each state has a full-screen image with a text title and description which animates in (Fly-in from top) for each state upon load. Left/Right buttons control the interactivity.

    However, when I add an animation to the text title/description in State-1 it causes the full-screen image to not load and the test/description text doesn't appear either. (Tested in Indesign in the EPUB Interactivity Preview panel and on iPad/iBooks)

    When testing it in the EPUB Interactivity Preview panel and I go to State-2 using the buttons and then return to State-1…

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  19. arabic harakats moving


    There is interesting bug with arabic letters. When we have aleef-lyam-aleef with harakats + footnote references with more than one symbol (from 1 to 9, no problem, 10+ or (1), problems starts) on the line, harakats swap together. Have tried with multiple fonts, most of them (adobe font too) got this error.

    Tested this in 2014 and 2018 ME versions of Indesign.

    Hope you can easily fix it, cause it's a real problem for book publishing.
    Thank you!

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  20. [ID-4199810]Cross reference takes more space than its text

    A cross reference sometimes takes up more space than its actual text.

    In the attached shows a frame with text with the right side of the text frame visible and the word "with" (above) extending well beyond the 2nd to last line in the frame. The "112" in the picture is a cross reference. When that cross reference is removed and "regular" text is typed in the 112 fits on the line.

    Question first posted and confirmed by another here:

    This happens in CS6 and in CC2019, 14.0.1 x64.

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