Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
931 results found
Every time there's a new update I lose all my saved templates.
If I'm missing something I'd like to know. Otherwise, I'm tired of having to recreate these templates every time there's an update.
1 vote -
Data Merge, Export To Pdf - Record Limit per Document
The "Record Limit per Document" feature, when doing as Export to PDF data merge, does not work. If I try to export a 6 record pdf, with the Record Limit per Document set to 1, instead of 6 files, I get one.
3 votes -
Cursor Shape Change or Indesign Bug
Has Adobe changed the cursor icon?
1 vote -
Find/Change built in GREP queries not working
InDesign says it performed the action (multiple space to single space, remove trailing whitespace, etc) but looking in the document nothing changed.
1 vote -
Saving INDD to Cloud. Most of the time the ID file refuses to save and a message states that the file may be open elsewhere. This means
Saving INDD to Cloud. Most of the time the ID file refuses to save and a message states that the file may be open elsewhere. This means
1 vote -
Title: Splash screen/Startup Screen won't go away.
Description: Whenever InDesign is launched by a script the splash screen stays open indefinitely.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Quit InDesign
2) Make a new AppleScript, with the content:"tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2017"
end tell"3) Run the script
Result: InDesign launches, but the splash screen never close
Expected result: InDesign should launch, but the splash screen should hide, once the launch is completed.
1 voteHi,
Please update InDesign to the latest version, InDesign CC 2018 (13.0) for the fix of the issue.-Aman
You seem to have gotten rid of the 'Recent Items' workspace!!! I loved that feature!@!
I used to love being able to quickly switch to a visual look at my recent files and then load one and it would go back to my previous workspace... Its now gone!!!! Upsetting....
1 vote -
GREP queries not saving correctly
I'm having a GREP issue in InDesign CC2017.1, I tried saving three different GREP queries but it saved the first one three times. I tried about three times to go back and correct the other two, but it would just remain the first GREP query. It seemed to only affect the Find field, what I saved in the Change field seemed to be fine. The only way I could get them all to save correctly was to physically go into the GREP XML files and enter my GREP query and save. I'm using OSX 10.10.5
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indesign add text tutorial
The new Indesign "add text" tutorial on the Adobe site has the incorrect practice files linked to it. I'd like to be able to download the correct files to work with. Thank you.
1 vote -
hyperlink that is not used in data merge causing incorrect data reception
If data is not available in the document, extra hyperlink is not used.
1 vote -
Nach Installation von Indesign ist die Tastaturbelegung vertauscht (Querty statt Quertz)
Nach der Installation von Indesign CC ist die englische Tastatur installiert obwohl eine deutsche Installation eingestellt war. Die Funktionalitäten sind alle auf Deutsch. Leider finde ich nirgends die Einstellung, wo ich es umstellen kann. Kann mir da Jemand helfen?
1 vote -
Fontexplorer plugin 3.5.3 not compatible with ID prerelease CC 2018
Bug ID prerelease CC 2018: Fontexplorer plugin 3.5.3 not compatible
1 vote -
Broken Link in German INDESIGN
If you click on the Link of the GPU thing you'll get a 404 in the german version of INDESIGN...
1 vote -
I bought MORISAWA Font Select Pack 5 and 1 through
I have MORISAWA's license.
Please stop interfering my work.1 vote -
1 vote
Custom GREP-queries are suddenly away
I had a nice collection of custom GREP queries. But suddenly they are away. They were numbered from 1 to 18. I'm very down to do this all again … Is there a way to find this again? Where are the custom queries saved? I updated from macOS 10.12.4 to macOS 10.12.5. Maybe that's the reason? Or is the reason that I had numbered them?
2 votes -
InDesign 2017 Froze and Will Not Shutdown or Quit
I am using InDesign 2017 on a Dell Windows computer. I was synching/saving a document and it froze. I shut down the computer but when I reopened the computer the document was still there but I could not do anything with it. I cannot quit. I cannot use my mouse with it. It is frozen as if permanently in a state of incomplete saving at 75%. What can I do to rectify this?
1 vote -
: Balboa extra condensedFont continues to be missing after indication that it is synced
Font: Balboa extra condensed continues to be missing after indication that it is synced
2 votes -
As part of my partners Master Collection cs5.5 she cant open InDesign as its says:
My partner cant load up her InDesignCS5.5 as part of her Master Collection.
We've tried to reload software but don't want to keep doing it and wasting licensed uses.
The error it generates it captured below in attachment:
Its says entry point not be located in the dynamic link library... WORLDREADY.RPLN
Is she missing a plug-in?
Thanks for any assistance.
1 vote -
Your decision to demand reactivation of a working program AND THEN NOT ALLOW THE REACTIVATION TO TAKE PLACE is reprehensible.
Your technical rep called the CS3 suite an "end of life" product but it wasn't; it was enjoying a productive middle age until you put a bullet through its head. "End of life" should mean when new operating systems won't support it, not when you arbitrarily decide to kill it. I purchased that program outright and at significant cost, and you just stole it from me. I've always admired Adobe products but everyone involved with your business models should be ashamed of themselves. I plan to make my case against you LOUDLY on social media and in any other way…
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?