2018 Indesign/Incopy Check In Prompt On Close Does Not Actually Check in.
If we close Indesign or Incopy without checking in, the program will ask us if we want to. When we choose to check in, Adobe will act like it Checks In and then closes, but the changes are never saved back to the original file. Check In only works if we choose Check In manually before closing.

The scenario mentioned is working as expected for us on both Mac & Win. Could you elaborate on the exact steps you are doing when you see this not working as expected?
Adobe InDesign team
Joshua Steves commented
I am having the same error
Anonymous commented
Hi Ravi,
The problem seems to be happening since updating to CC 18. It used to be that I could check out a bunch of stories and then when I went to close the file, I would be asked to check in all the stories and it would check them all in. Now it still asks me to check in all stories when I close the file, but then it leaves them checked out so others cannot access them unless I go to each individual story, save it, and then check it in. (Something with the check in all stories is not working.)