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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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401 results found

  1. heic

    When importing HEIC image files, the orientation of the picture stored in the metadata is being ignored. This is very annoying, since one has to rotate the image manually each time this is imported.

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  2. frame background showing behind polygon that's been pasted into it

    Indesign v18.4

    - make a rectangular frame, give it a background color
    - make a polygon the same color as the page background, that intersects the edge of the frame
    - cut and paste-into the polygon into the frame

    the combination perfectly simulates the appearance of subtracting the polygon from the rectangular frame, but in a way that preserves editability.

    works imperfectly: a tiny sliver of the background is visible on the edge of the rectangular frame. this very thin line gets thickened by the "enhance thin lines" function on adobe reader (but is still visible without…

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  3. Metadata, text variables in Indesign

    Indesign don't insert Metadata (XMP) from the orioginal images downloaded from (as text variable); the downloaded image has to open in Photoshop and to »Save as«. Then the XMP-Metadata could be read by Indesign (as text variable).
    Indesign 18.5, Mac OS 12.6.6

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  4. Page tool causes layout shifts on parent pages

    When the Page Tool is used to resize parent (master) pages, unwanted shifts of page items may occur. These can occur directly in the document or also after an IDML export. Whereby with the IDML export the order of the sample pages plays a role

    Concrete example: When the right bottom corner of the Page Tool is selected and the page size is changed, a position mismatch occurs on the inherited master page.

    It is expected that on master pages of the same size the position of objects and inherited object is the same.

    This does not occur if the…

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  5. shortcuts

    non of my short cuts are working. I cannot resize an object and its frame at the same time, I cannot resize an image holding shift to keep it the same shape. Spacebar to move, option to duplicate, everything. none of it working. this is a brand new computer, installed InDesign, and the shortcuts have not worked at all. I've tried all of the solutions on the internet and none have worked. Please help.

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  6. Links panel does not sort sublinks logically

    I have linked a file with some 120 pages to document. When I sort links panel by name, "sublinks" are sorted in mess:
    doc:1, doc:10, doc:101, doc:2, doc:21
    instead of normal number order
    doc:1, doc:2, doc:10, doc:21, doc.101.

    Indesign 18.4
    Latest Windows 11

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  7. Black Backgrounds When Copying PNG from Web to Indesign (Return of Bug)

    This is a recurring bug that was solved in a few past updates, but, it's back in InDesign V. 18.5.

    When you copy a transparent background PNG from Google Images (or any website) and paste it into InDesign, it will display a black box as the background.

    If you paste the same image into Photoshop, copy that, paste it into InDesign, it will not show the black background.

    This was working 100% flawlessly over the last year, but, is now broken in this new version on multiple Macs. Tried different browsers. Reset preferences, same issue.

    This was a bug that…

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  8. Datamerge QR-code cannot be colored

    When performing a datamerge, the generated QR-codes are black (C0 M0 Y0 K100) and cannot be set to another color prior to merging. This video shows the issue (and complex workaround).

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. set up a datamerge with a qr-code field in data source.
    2. try to color the QR-code any color not black (eg. using Object > Edit QR-Code > Color)
    3. execute datamerge

    Actual result:
    All QR-codes are black.

    Expected result:
    To set the color of the QR-code placeholder the same as a normal QR-code, and for the QR-codes to be colored after the merging.


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  9. Display glitch when Placing multiple images

    Adobe Indesign 2023 and prior.

    When several large images are selected in the 'place' dialog box to place one after another, the first image often does not display the green guide arrows for matching existing object sizes. Subsequent images in that set do, but these often display the preview for the image just placed rather than the image currently loaded.

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  10. Nach jedem update gehen Verknüpfungen verloren

    Es ist ein Graus! Seit ewigen Zeiten gehen nach jedem Update (aktuell 18.4) in jedem Dokument jegliche Verknüpfungen verloren. Gerade bei umfangreichen Dokumenten, die Verknüpfungen aus vielen verschiedenen Ordnern enthalten, ist das schier untragbar! Dieser Arbeitsaufwand ist nicht nur zeitintensive, sondern auch nervenaufreibend, und müsste in meinen Augen auch programmiertechnisch behoben werden.

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  11. Align panel issues

    I'm using v 18.3 on mac.

    My align panel isn't completely viewable and looks different that it ever has before. The normal options are gone. Also, in the top toolbar, the align tools only show up when I try to align objects. The tools don't appear when I attempt to align text boxes.

    I've attached a screenshot showing how the toolbar has always looked when I've selected assets to align, one showing how those options are gone unless I'm aligning objects, and a final one of the align panel. This has been very frustrating.

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  12. Gros bug d'affichage

    Bonjour, j'ai un bug d'affichage intermittent sous InDesign que je constate depuis plusieurs versions (depuis au moins fin 2021) : lorsque j'appuie sur "w" pour passer du mode de l'écran "Normal" au mode de l'écran "Aperçu", j'ai parfois des aberrations graphiques qui m'empêchent de voir correctement la double-page et qui persistent jusqu'à ce que je revienne en mode "Normal". (voir captures)

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  13. Object Layer Options is broken in v18.3

    When turning off a layer in a placed PSD file with "Object Layer Options", other layers in the PSD are also turned off, even though their respective visibility icons indicate they are showing.

    See the attached file. The "Gradient Map 100" layer makes the image purple. However, when hiding the "Generative Layer 1" layer, the effect of the former layer is broken.

    MacOS 12.6.1 / InDesign 18.3

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. some of the objects seems to be missing although they are appearing on the page

    some of the objects seems to be missing although they are appearing on the page. you can see them only if you press - select all, but can't select separately.
    But when I create a pdf file all the "missing" objects appears on the page. It's a big and complex file of about 70 pages.
    How can i fix it?

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  16. Caption: File Extension Bug

    Added live captions to images – it sometimes create strange file extensions for PNG Images, which I cannot control or delete.
    (It also would be nice, if there was an option to remove the file extension)

    Expected Result for live caption: "Image-Name.png"
    Actual Results: "Image-Name.pnl" or "Image-Name.p03"

    Version: InDesign 18.2.1

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  17. Placed SVG bounding box not correctly sized to viewbox/clipping path

    When placing an SVG file in an InDesign document, the object's bounding box does not match the actual extent of the SVG file correctly. There are two issues I have noticed:

    1. When elements extend beyond the SVG's viewbox, InDesign incorrectly sets the bounding box of the asset at the full extent of those elements. This occurs even if those elements are contained within a clipping path (as defined within the SVG – not referring to ID's built-in clipping path feature).

    2. Placed SVGs seem to self-crop about 1px from the edges of the viewbox. Consequently the bounding box has a 1px…

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  18. pdf stamp

    PDF Stamp missing after PDF is placed in Indesign.

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  19. Screen Draws Bizarre Patterns

    This has been happening for the past several versions. Im using ID 2023 on a 27" 2019 31. Mhz iMac with 64GB. It runs a Raedon Pro 575X 4GB.

    While I am moving the document, sometimes these bizarre dark patterns form. Sometimes it happens when just an item is moved on the document. But it appears to be random. Scrolling off the page and back onto it seems to solve it.

    This only happens in InDesign. None of the other Adobe apps or other graphic apps have this issue. So it leads me to believe it is not the video…

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  20. GPU preview malformed

    Graphics displayed with GPU are malformed. Please refer to the attached screenshots – the same view with and without GPU enabled.

    MacBook Pro w/Apple M1 Pro, macOS Ventura 13.3.

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