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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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492 results found

  1. Putting an InDesign extension into Panel mode from Modeless fails to display the extension

    Changing the <UI><Type> field in the manifest.xml from Modeless to Panel for an extension which has already been run as a Modeless type causes InDesign to crash, or fail to display the panel. This change was possible in previous versions of the application, and works correctly in Illustrator.
    1) Start with the UI Showcase sample from the Adobe CEP resources GitHub.
    2) Install it
    3) Start the InDesign application
    4) Open the Modeless version of the UI Panel from the Extensions menu
    Result: this shows correctly
    5) Close the panel, shut down InDesign
    6) Change the UI/Type for…

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  2. 字符表字間過大

    it is hard to see chars even enlarge (space too big)

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  3. ShortCut with ¨;¨ key on Spanish Keyboard:

    Hi I live in Costa Rica and my Mac have a Spanish Keyboard, Indesign have Commands with ¨;¨ key and the Spanish Keyboard haven´t that key, it have the key ¨ñ¨ , so I can´t use all shortcuts with ¨;¨ key..

    Please Help

    Marvin Montoya

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  4. InDesign CC 2017.1 build links panel redraw issue

    InDesign CC 2017.1 build links panel redraw issue. My links palette will not display correctly, even after closing and reopening. Sometimes I can't really use it at all. The divider between the links list and links info moves up and down, but it's hard to read and I can't always select an image or mulitple images. Restarting the app, restarting my computer, seems to make no difference.

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  5. Pressing shift quickly after clicking and holding a frame handle deselects it

    Say I have a simple rectangular frame that I want to resize (bear with me: I know I can use the black arrow but this is just an example). I choose the white arrow tool, select the two right-hand handles, click and hold one of the selected points, hold down shift to constrain the direction, then drag to the right. So far so good in theory. However, if I press shift within a few seconds of the click+hold, the handle I click on is deselected as if I had performed a simple shift+click. The order that I perform the operations…

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  6. UI not displaying

    ui is not displaying correctly, panels, tools dissapeared. Please watch link.

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  7. after opening any second (and further) document

    keyboard shortcuts doesn't do anything.
    you cannot export (ctrl+E), close (ctrl+W), find (ctrl+F) or do anything else unless you click in text frame to activate text cursor.

    After that all shortcuts works as intended.

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  8. multiple display drop down issue

    When using two displays extended vertically rather than horizontally (eg, Display 1 arranged to be above Display 2 rather than to the left or right of), if a dialog drop down is longer than can be fit on one of the displays and is positioned in screenspace such that it should spill onto the other display, it is cut off at the edge instead. Screenshot attached. Running latest OS X and latest InDesign CC. Only occurs in dialogs: parent window drop downs don't try to extend beyond the active display.

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  9. Highlight/Colorize menu commands : changes retained temporarily , then disappear

    Using the Edit > Menu Command to highlight/colorize frequently used commands. After spending a good deal of time setting this up, the menus only remain highlighted for a few minutes before the all highlighting disappears. Have repeated this exercise a few times, trashed preferences, always the same result.

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  10. Incorrect transparency redering on screen

    When I open a document that has a drop shadow applied, the shadow papers misplaced and distorted. If I turn the drop shadow off and on again, it fixed the issue. Also if I open a document that has an Outer Glow applied, it appears too opaque and too large. It seems that if I apply an Outer Glow to to the Object effect , save and close the document and reopen, somehow an Outer Glow is also applied to the Text effect. Other similar issues as well.
    InDesign 13.0.1 (but was the same in 2017)

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  11. The book palette must be locked. (move the documents palette)

    a momentary unwanted user error.

    We should be able to move documents by option or command key.

    To make a small correction before printing. We move accidentally while working on files. We do not notice this. It's printing like this.

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  12. InDesign CC 2018 Application frame will not fill screen

    Hi Folks

    Having an issue since InDesign 2018 with sizing the app window.

    When in Application Frame mode, the frame will not expand horizontally to fill the screen — it will only expand vertically.

    It expands normally up to about 80% of the screen width, but then becomes unresponsive to any attempt to make it wider - so I'm working in a dinky little workspace.

    The app seems to think my display is narrower than it really is.

    Windows expand normally when application frame is turned off, and return to the problem width when app frame is turned back on.

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  13. Caret symbol doubling in Index panel

    InDesign v.13.01, Macintosh, client.

    I'm listing the caret symbol in the Index but when I create an index entry for it, it appears on the Index panel as two carets (see attached). However, it shows up as a single caret in the generated index so the panel's where the problem is.

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  14. save as dialogue

    Summary: Save button disabled when dragging a folder from finder into the Save dialogue for file that has not been previously saved (new files or converted documents.)

    1. InDesign Version 13.0.1 - macOS
    2. To reproduce error: Create a new file (this is required), choose Save As, drag a folder from the finder into the Save As dialogue, press "Save"
    3. Expected result: Save action to take place
    4. Actual result: Save button has no effect (browsing to a new folder will re-enable the Save button)
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  15. 1 vote

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  16. Clicking between windows changes page on previous active window

    Is anyone else having this odd behavior where clicking between windows change page shown on previous active window?

    This happens on both new InDesign CC 2018 and CC 2017. I'm running:

    • InDesign CC 2018 (Build 13.0.1)
    • InDesign CC 2017.1 (Build
    • macOS 10.12.5
    • iMac 27" Early 2013

    I've post this here as well:

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  17. Post it style note

    A DTP program I used twenty years ago had a fantastic feature that has never been included in InDesign. At the bottom of the tools panel was a small area that when clicked and dragged off became a non-printing post-it note with the text active for immediate typing of a note.
    It was really handy, as sometimes when doing a page layout you really want to note when you have say adjusted tracking, or indeed just a future reminder where for example you want to remind another designer to say edit an image etc.

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  18. Zoom

    macOS High Sierra
    Adobe InDesign CC 2017

    In an open document, press Command + Space to activate the

    Temporarily Select Zoom In Tool

    Does not Temporarily Select Zoom In Tool

    I have disabled the Spotlight keyboard shortcuts as well as the Siri shortcut, and I am still unable to use this feature. Was it removed? Am I able to make it work again, somehow?

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  19. InDesign - Incorrect Spelling Field in SpellCheck NOT FIXED CC2018

    The incorrect spelling field in spellcheck is still not fixed. I have had communication via twitter stating it has been and a screen shot showing difference between 2017 & 2018 releases.

    It maybe slightly better but still not bright enough. This could be a very expensive issue if an incorrect spelling slips through.

    Better still the field should be a different colour all together ie red text on white field background so this stands out as a possible error.

    attached 2018 version and the tweet received from Adobe

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  20. InDesign CC 2017 closeExtension() does NOT work properly.

    Problem is reproducible with InDesign CC 2017 newest patch.
    All the request information is available under Adobe Community link:
    Other Adobe Extension developers also tested and verified this described issue.

    Please provide the fix update. Thx.

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