Putting an InDesign extension into Panel mode from Modeless fails to display the extension
Changing the <UI><Type> field in the manifest.xml from Modeless to Panel for an extension which has already been run as a Modeless type causes InDesign to crash, or fail to display the panel. This change was possible in previous versions of the application, and works correctly in Illustrator.
1) Start with the UI Showcase sample from the Adobe CEP resources GitHub. https://github.com/Adobe-CEP/Samples/tree/master/UI_Showcase
2) Install it
3) Start the InDesign application
4) Open the Modeless version of the UI Panel from the Extensions menu
Result: this shows correctly
5) Close the panel, shut down InDesign
6) Change the UI/Type for the Modeless type to Panel in the manifest.xml
7) Start InDesign
8) Select the Modeless version of the UI Showcase from the extensions menu
Result: Nothing happens, or InDesign crashes
Expected: Should show the UI Showcase in a panel