Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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2. Why is this valuable to you?
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408 results found
Ability to anchor graphics across spreads
Because with accessibility it is important to anchor graphics, sometimes when the graphic reference is on the previous spread or the next spread, it is necessary to anchor to another spread when the graphic doesn't fit. When you do this, indesign will automatically move the graphic to another page. You should have the ability to anchor something across spreads.
21 votes -
The hope of developing a new vertical effect of CJk text
(If you only want to read the core content, please go directly to the end of this article)
(This document is designated to be delivered to Adobe Japan)
Dear Adobe Japan:
Thank for your attention and helping. On behalf of my region, I would like to make a request boldly to your company about the new effect of vertical typesetting.
The existing versions of indesign equipped with CJK typesetter and applicable to East Asia have only one text arrangement direction for vertical text arrangement - the first column inherited is on the right, from right to left from ancient…
20 votes -
Option to turn spell check off or skip master pages.
It would be helpful to be able to skip the spell check in master pages without turning the language to [No Language]. As well as make the "Ignore All" or "Add" feature in spell check work better and actually skip common use for your documents.
20 votes -
Book panel - synchronize only select styles
Currently the book panel has an option to synchronize styles [paragraph and character] to the currently slected default file/chapter. However, it would be really useful to be able to only selectively synchronize specific styles instead of all styles. For instance, in my book with many fiels/chapters I have variations of styles based upon each individual chapter/fiel. However, certain styles such as the running head, the footer, page numbers I would like to be able to ensure that they are all the same without overwriting all the other styles tha t may have changed.
19 votes -
Enable Hyperlinks to Stay Live in PDFs ... Even After Importation into InDesign
Hi folks
We have figured out a 'work-around' to the problem of maintaining live hyperlinks in PDFs throughout the entire exporting/importing process in InDesign. However, it's purely a bandaid - although it works well. It would be great to have this process built in as a feature. I've attached a PDF with our workflow methodologies for your review.
19 votes -
Why doesn't ID have a blur filter?
My suggestion for ID is it should have a blur filter along with all the other filters available. it seems it has everything but blur. I use the gradient blur filter all the time for layouts and it's a time saver, so I would love a gaussian blur to also be there so I don't have to go back and forth from ID and PSD.
18 votes -
swap pages
The ability to select 2 non-contiguous pages>right click/select from the contextual mouse menu & have the option to "Swap Pages...." - instead of just "Move Pages....".
18 votes -
Name spreads for export
When we export as png or other formats from indesign we always have to rename all our exported pages and spreads. Over and over again if we make changes and export again. Why cant we have the option to give a spread or a page a defined name for export. Example, I always have to rename documentname(15) to banner_560x500 and does this on all 15 exports. Please look into it ❤️
18 votes -
Dynamic Color Swatches with Data-Merge
Make the Swatches dynamic with Data-Merge so that you can enter a Colorcode in the Excel document and it changes the Swatch with the same name or something like that.
18 votes -
Ignore pasteboard
I would like to "ignore pasteboard" when running spell-check. Often I have extra text on the pasteboard that I don't want to delete, but I don't want to wade through while spell-checking.
Related to that -- it would be great if we could indicate certain frames we don't want to spell check. I do publications that have long lists of names that take forever to work through. I don't need to spell check them. Or maybe an "ignore capitalized words" function could do that.
These would be enormously helpful to editors! Thanks.
18 votes -
Please add HEIC format support to place these images directly in Indesign without having to convert them to jpeg.
Please add HEIC format support to place these images directly in Indesign without having to convert them to jpeg.
17 votes -
Can Idml file open with his own name
When I open .idml file in InDesign, it opens as Untitled-# document. Is it possible that when I open .idml it opens as the filename instead of "Untitled-#"? Because I have received some many idml files, I am spending time save as file into INDD.
17 votesHi All, this feature is now added in the latest version of InDesign i.e. InDesign 13.1.
You can upgrade your InDesign to get access to this feature.
Javed -
Dynamic QR Codes By Default
I'd like to request that all QR Codes that are created by In-Design are dynamic by default. I realize there would be some server costs and such, but being able to update a QR Code destination after an item has been printed would be a huge help. Adobe could also white label a dynamic QR Code service already in existence to make this feature come to market sooner.
16 votes -
Option to replace a master page that is being deleted with a different master page
When working on long documents, especially while using the book feature, it would be helpful to have the option to replace one master with another. So if I want to delete "Master A", a dialog box would say "Remove Master A and replace with: [list of other master pages to choose from]".
Currently if I want to remove a master page and replace it, I have to go through all 900 of my pages and apply the replacement master.
16 votes -
Create a new document based on selected pages of an existing indesign document.
I would like to be able to select pages within an existing InDesign document and create a new document using those pages, much like you can with layers in photoshop.
In photoshop when you select 'duplicate layer(s)' you have the option of duplicating them into different documents, including a new one. When I am designing a business card for a client, for example, I present multiple options. I will make all of the options in one document as separate pages. When they choose one I would like to be able to select the specific pages and duplicate them straight to…
16 votes -
Feature Request: Support for Grayscale ICC profiles
Please add support for Grayscale profiles like in Photoshop. In InDesign, I can only define RGB and CMYK working space. In Photoshop, I can also define color space for grayscale files and files with spot colors.
Many books, magazines or newspapers are still printed using black ink only. Minimal support for grayscale workflow makes creating monochrome documents for different papers complicated as InDesign cannot convert grayscale profiles (ie. from Dot Gain 15% to Dot Gain 25%).15 votes -
Skip Page Numbers
Please create the option of deleting some pages from the numbering sequence. I use tabs in my documents and being able to skip them from the automatic numbering would save me so much time.
15 votes -
Data merge: Classification Master pages
Es solle möglich sein, über die Datentabelle für jeden Datensatz eine Musterseite zuordnen zu können. Ähnlich wie QR-Code und Images bekommt die Spalte ein Sonderzeichen, in der die Bezeichnung der Musterseite steht.
Nach der Datenzusammenführung hat dann jeder Datensatz die entsprechende Musterseite.
Translation google: It should be possible to assign a sample page for each data record via the data table. Similar to QR code and images, the column is given a special character in which the name of the sample page is written.
After the data merging, each data record then has the corresponding master page.14 votes -
Adjust book cover spine
Please give us back the former option of layout adjustment (see screen capture) !!
It was so simple and so easy to change page format and objects adjusted well !
For exemple when doing a book cover :
before, you could change the page width of the spine, and if there was a colored frame on it, its width would adjust too (but not the height if the height of the page didn't change)
Now, if you change the page width, the object is scaled (height and width) wich is absolutely counter productive : now you must manually rescale and…14 votes -
Associate master pages with paragraph tags
As one has been able to do in Framemaker, one should be able to assign a master page automatically based on a paragraph tag, i.e., if paratag ChapterTitle, then assign master page "ChapterOpener". This is important because often reflows move openers to different pages, meaning that EVERY master page in the document then needs to be evaluated and reassigned given its new position.
14 votes
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