Book panel - synchronize only select styles
Currently the book panel has an option to synchronize styles [paragraph and character] to the currently slected default file/chapter. However, it would be really useful to be able to only selectively synchronize specific styles instead of all styles. For instance, in my book with many fiels/chapters I have variations of styles based upon each individual chapter/fiel. However, certain styles such as the running head, the footer, page numbers I would like to be able to ensure that they are all the same without overwriting all the other styles tha t may have changed.

CC Lawhon, M.Ed. commented
This also goes along with being able to DELETE styles for all docs in a book. The sync only adds what's in style source, the docs with extras keep those extras. We need the option to keep or delete the ones in the other docs (non-style source docs).
Erica Lee commented
Please please please add this! I imagine a lot of book designers would use the synchronizing of styles option if this was available. I personally almost never use it out of fear of messing something up unintentionally.
Janus Bahs Jacquet commented
How is this not a thing? Book syncing is about 60% useless when you have so little control over what gets synched.
Darrel Eppler commented
I want this too!
Anonymous commented
The ToC app already has the ability to go through the book files and select paragraph styles - couldn't this be ported to the book panel- present a list of styles and simply click/check - those to be synced?