Dynamic QR Codes By Default
I'd like to request that all QR Codes that are created by In-Design are dynamic by default. I realize there would be some server costs and such, but being able to update a QR Code destination after an item has been printed would be a huge help. Adobe could also white label a dynamic QR Code service already in existence to make this feature come to market sooner.

Ram Jackson commented
If I may offer an alternative, there are a lot of QR code generators out there that will allow you to create dynamic QR codes like this one- https://www.qrcode-tiger.com.
DENDY Team commented
I also need this. Please.
Then Adobe would have a "category killer" app within its Creative Cloud. -
Kristine Askerooth commented
I agree need this too!
Morgan commented
I really need this too - don't understand why it doesn't already exist.