Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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704 results found
History and Layer Linking
Add a history palette, as well as, the ability to link items in the layers palette like Photoshop does.
8 votes -
Take into account alternate layouts when generating / updating tables of contents
Create a (say) 20-page A4 document with a table of contents (sections, subsections and whatever).
Then create an alternate layout of this document, for an A5 paper size. This should make the A5 version about 40 pages long.We can create and update the table of contents for the A4 layout, but we cannot specify a 2nd ToC for the A5 layout, that takes into account the page numbers, as they are adjusted in the alternate layout(s). If we link the A4 ToC to the A5 layout, its contents will display the pagination of the A4 version.
In my current…
8 votes -
Please add "expand stroke" option
I do a lot of drawing in Indesign and often need to "expand" strokes. This feature exists in Illustrator and I use it frequently, but the round-trip is cumbersome and time-consuming. Please bring this basic feature over to ID.
8 votes -
Column rules
I think Column Rules in the Text Box dialog would be a winner. Easily add a vertical rule to left, right and mid gutter.
8 votesWe added Column Rules functionality in InDesign 2020. Please try it out.
Adobe InDesign team -
Ruler guide color should be an inline feature in the tool panel
Changing ruler guide colors requires too many steps (Layout > Ruler Guides > Change color > Ok). When a guide is selected, guide color should be (also) configurable in the tool panel. This would make it feel a lot more 'instant'.
8 votes -
BUG/Feature: Make "Fit Frame to Content" finally work with rotated/skewd content
This is an oversight for…like how many versions?
Try to rotate your image inside your picture box, and use Object » "Fit Frame to Content".
Normally, with no modification with the content, the feature works well. But if theres rotation, geez, its way off!
8 votes -
Frame / Cell strokes and border-radius more like CSS
As an extension of the idea 'Allow different coloured/weight strokes for sides of a text box' - I would like this to apply to table cells as well.
I use InDesign to do high-fidelity web UI mockups. It would be really nice if there were more options which corresponded directly to CSS.
What we would need is the ability to set a per-object or global equivalent to "box-sizing: border-box", so that stroke weights don't add to the size of a table cell, but always render aligned to the inside.
Secondly, give regular text frames the same editing ability as table…
8 votes -
Page number ranges in TOC
Table of contents don't have the ability to add page ranges.
So the contents look like this:
Section A . . . . . . . 1
Section B . . . . . . . 5
Section C . . . . . . . 9
When they should look like this:
Section A . . . . . . . 1-4
Section B . . . . . . . 5-8
Section C . . . . . . . 9
All this needs to be implemented is to have the second number be one page less than…
7 votes -
Transform multiple objects at once with their own reference point
If you select multiple objects they are now treated as one big object and transformed using a reference point from that one big object.
I really need a checkbox where you can choose for every individual object to keep their own reference points when transforming multiple objects. This will save a lot of time. I know their is a workaround (transform again), but that's more steps and it seems like such a logical feature to have.7 votes -
Absolute page numbers as a text variable
I propose adding "Absolute Page Number" as a text variable. Similar to Last Page Number, "Absolute Page Number" would allow the document creator to place the absolute page number of the layout onto a page while also using another page numbering system (sections, roman numerals, etc.).
With long documents now both being used in whole or separated into parts by clients, this would allow InDesign users to fulfill the issue of having a page carry two numbering schemes at the same time.
7 votes -
Offset path
iD : Fr : Offset path
I found myself stuck by wanting to make a simple offset path inside inDesign. This seems to HAVE to be DONE in Illustrator.
Bad thing about that is that if I have to go back and forth between both, I’ll have to place it correctly, when it should be a simple value in any unit to enter.Some have explored the need for that as a script : votes -
Give more design-controls to initials
Please more settings for initials in layouts. More precise distances, shading, coloring etc.
7 votes -
Importing raw files
If importing feature raw files will possible, Photographers and layout artists are be happy for a very long time.
7 votes -
file / open recent (preview small thumbnail)
Hi - I would find it really useful if there was a feature - file / open recent (preview small thumbnail) . Sometimes the file name itself isn't enough, in particular if you are working on lots of files quickly. if there was a thumbnail at file/open recent it would help to locate the particular file better.
love indesign - thank you.
7 votes -
Individual arrowheads like in Illustrator
In Illustrator it is possible to create individual arrowheads (although a little bit more complicated as I'd like to but possible).
In InDesign somehow I can't.
I always have to use a certain kind of arrow which I'd love to be able to add to the "library or choice of arrowheads".Here’s a video I found regarding arrowheads in Illustrator: votes -
Multiple Value Storage in under 'Align: Distribute Spacing'
Rather than only having one "use spacing" option under Align: Distribute Spacing, it would be fantastic if there could be multiple values - selectable in the same way as they are now (with a checkbox).
I find myself constantly having to override the value in the "use spacing" box but only going back and forth between two options (1p0 and 2p0). It's all for a rather complicated publication that is a weekly task (and occupies a few days per week) but find myself wishing I had the same option for most other projects I work on.
It's minor, but would…
7 votes -
Now we have 'borders' and 'shading', can we have the ability to have transparencies on these?
Now that we have Borders and Shading, can we have the ability to have transparencies on these? Please?
7 votes -
Max size in Text Frame options.
Why is there a minimum size for text frames, but not a maximum size. We use Auto-size combined with text-wrap a lot with liquid layout templates to allow text to adapt to it's new sizes/dimensions. Occasionally it would be great if we could build a maximum size that the text box can grow too instead of giving it the minimum size.
7 votes -
Selecting individual cells across rows & collums
Just like with Excel, it would be great to be able to select individual cells with something like holding the command/control key instead of only being able to select one cell or cells on the same row.
7 votes -
Command to break frame into individual frames for each column
Invoking the command would create individual text frames for each of the columns so they can be manipulated individually.
7 votes
- Don't see your idea?