Combine more than one paragraph style for a single TOC entry
Major navigation points sometimes have headers that are split across multiple paragraph styles, not just one. This makes it impossible to correctly generate the TOC styles, since you can only select a single paragraph style per TOC/NCX entry. It would be helpful if multiple paragraph styles could have their text combined into one entry, so that they create a single navigation link in the epub. For example, "Chapter" and "One" may have two different paragraph styles, but you would want 1 NCX entry, with "Chapter One" as the text.

Belly commented
Yes! This would be so helpful. The other comment said use a character style but I am finding that the caracter styles are brought into the TOC. How can you stop bringing the character styles into the TOC? They should also have this option.
MyDK commented
TIP: You can use a soft line break plus a character style on one of those lines. That should do it.