Reflowable EPUB Preview inside InDesign
The EPUB Interactivity preview panel is SO handy. Can we get one for reflowable epubs too (or add this feature to that one)? I would like to see the effects of chapter breaks, floats, image anchors, etc. within InDesign instead of the EPUB export dance all the time. BONUS if it can show me a preview that's roughly equivalent to a chosen preset like iBooks, Kindle, Nook, ADE, Overdrive, and so on.

Russ Bradbury commented
Totally agree I am a new user, and it is a bottleneck in workflow. Round tripping out to Kindle Previewer or whatever you might use has already cost me hours of time. Given Adobe's experience with Dreamweaver, if they built their own reflowable EPub previewer with some form of Dynamic linking back to InDesign, changes in the main ID document get updated in your preview window. Going back to Dreamweaver, can you add in an XML editor so everything gets far more integrated this would improve workflows very considerably.