Exporting ePub options - more needed and open direct to selected readers...
When exporting an ePUB, give the option to export as "iBooks friendly" or "ADE friendly" or "Google Play friendly" and automatically preview the epub in the chosen app. The reason this is needed is because, currently the enhanced epubs that you can export from InDesign work through iBooks but literally NOWHERE else. Google Play throws back errors that don't make sense and do not support some of the features that InDesign exports, such as javascript. And ADE does not have consistency across the android version and the Windows version and is riddled with bugs. The windows version doesn't read fonts, the android version doesn't read some of the images or corrupts some of them.
There should also be an option in the publish online feature to password protect or limit the use of your file, so that I can privately share a file via this feature and limit the amount of times it is downloaded by the other party and protect the file from being distributed by that party without my permission.