UI – Some Buttons are missing InDesign CC 2020 (OS X)
I’ve updated InDesign to the newest version 15.0 (InDesign CC 2020) on OS X.
And some buttons in the top window border are missing like the percent and the GPU rocket.
Is it possible to put these back?! Or do I have to change it anywhere in the menu? Can’t find it.

The InDesign team appreciates your valuable feedback and concerns. These go a long way in helping us make InDesign better for you and update it continuously to cater to evolving user needs. The app bar design was changed as part of these improvement efforts, and will also help us in introducing some modern and exciting functionalities which we have been working on.
While doing this, we have taken care not to remove any existing functionalities which were available in the previous App Bar design. These have only been relocated – either grouped along with similar functionalities (based on results from our user research) or shifted to improve usability (to provide a consistent experience) while working across Creative Cloud apps, especially Photoshop (Ps) & Illustrator (Ai), which are frequently used by InDesign users. We do understand that it takes time & effort in adopting these but we sincerely hope that the value will reveal itself as we work together with you in defining the future of layout & publishing.
Here is a list of the re-located functionalities -
Bridge: can now be accessed via “File > Browse in Bridge” – similar to Ps & Ai.
Stock: the search option in the app bar (on the far right) allows you to search assets across Adobe Stock. Stock can also be accessed via “File > Search Adobe Stock”.
GPU options: can now be accessed via “InDesign > Preferences > GPU Performance …” – similar to Ps & Ai.
Zoom levels: are now available at the bottom left of the App window.
Document Bar (on the far left) – similar to Ps & Ai. This location is same as what was available in past versions when users used InDesign without the app bar. Zoom levels can also be controlled through keyboard shortcuts: (Cmd +) or (Cmd -) to help you work faster.
Screen Mode: has now shifted below the Tool Bar (bottom-most icon). It can also be accessed via “View > Screen Mode” – similar to Ps & Ai.
View Options: is now available in proximity to the Screen Mode icon (below the Tool Bar), owing to the similarity of their functions. The drop-down menu showcases corresponding shortcuts for each view option which can enable you to work faster.
Arrange Documents: can now be accessed via “Window > Arrange” – similar to Ps & Ai.
Adobe InDesign team
Terry Veiga commented
Just bit the bullet last week and finally left CS6 for a CC subscription and wound up at this terrible news that this was indeed intentional. Please put the "arrange windows" button back where it was. Thank you, Adobe!
Anonymous commented
Please, for the love of GOD, bring back the ARRANGE button! I used that button daily as I work with documents that require side to side comparison numerous times a day, and judging from comments below and other website forums, many other users miss this button. Having it easily accessible was key in allowing me to work more efficiently, which is not the case anymore.
Kathryn commented
Another vote for returning those buttons - I have spent valuable time searching for the Normal and Preview buttons in vain, thinking *I* had done something stupid and lost them. Now I have to go through three steps instead of just a click?
This is not good design for a tool which is intended for working designers. -
Anonymous commented
Agree. These were crucial, often-used function. Please return to the toolbar. There's ample space.
Anonymous commented
NOT getting on with the new 2020 indesign at all as you have taken away the application bar and I can't seem to find a way to get it back. I use it all the time to quickly swap between bleed/non bleed views of my documents and now the only way to do that is to go to the view menu and scroll down which is really inefficient. In case you don't understand what I'm talking about I will attach 2 screen grabs - of both the 2019 and 2020 versions. The very top line where all the extra view options are is what is missing from the new one.
I have been to tech support and had a guy take over my Mac to try to help me and he wasn't able to find a solution.
Susan commented
So how long exactly is it going to take Adobe to put the preview and other buttons back on the top of the page? This is not rocket science. It is so irritating that people are forced to waste their time looking around for things that are now missing or hidden somewhere else. Who thought this was a good idea? Please put them back! I am returning to 2019 until the issues are resolved.
steve commented
SCREEN MODE BUTTON!! Why would you take that away? At least give us the option to drag and drop icons in to the spots we need. Even MS Outlook does that.....
Lê Anh Tuấn commented
legacy buttons in the top window border is much better. Moving them to the tool bar make this bar being more distracted and the three basic buttons that are often used become faint and difficult to find.
Anonymous commented
PLEASE bring these shortcut icons back!
Robert Eytcheson commented
Put back the Bridge button in that top tool bar! Actually put EVERYTHING back where it was, why do you always screw with things like this? It doesn't help us, as the comments here show you. Reminds me of a client's secretary wanting to "play around" with the design, just so she can have some "fun" too... never yields a good product.
Anonymous commented
I'm also interested in getting the percent back on the menu bar for zooming.
Heather commented
I would like the Screen Mode icon back, please. I go back and forth between views a lot. It was a real time saver.
Roberta Gales commented
If this is the arrange (tile) document icon, I agree! I use that icon every day. Please bring it back, there's room.
Anonymous commented
This is a nightmare - please bring the screen mode / show hide options & arrange windows bar back ASAP
Sarah Georgakopoulos commented
In Indesign 2020 the "Screen Mode" and "View Options" menus have been removed from the Application Bar. I frequently toggle back and forth between "normal" mode and "preview" mode and I don't want the extra step of having to go to the "View" menu to do this. I also like to be able to quickly turn frames on and off (View Options). Is there a way to have these menus added back onto the workspace somewhere? Thanks!
CLEMENT commented
In the new 2020 version, the percentage of display is now reduced to a tiny size at the left bottom of the page, instead of a larger module on top- left angle - in 2019 version. What a stepback.. this percentage is so useful to set, depending on the document size. The default percentage of display settings increments of 25 in 25 are rather inconvenient !
Anthony Aromando commented
There was a little icon that allowed the user to turn on or off Guides, Baseline Grids etc. Where there it go? I was very handy.
Anonymous commented
Where has the arrange windows shortcut button on the top bar gone in the new Indesign 2020 release?
Krystal commented
Please bring back Arrange Tabs to menu bar! They used to be on the menu bar, and with the 2020 update, they're missing. I have to go to Window and reselect the view I want over and over again with each new document I open.
RY commented
Why do you always have to move things? Professionals don't have time to relearn the UI whenever Adobe gets the whim to move things around. Give us an option in preferences to put them back where they were before.