InDesign Gradient Tool
Please make the gradient tool in InDesign function the same as in Illustrator, it's fiddly, cumbersome and gives you nowhere near as much control. There's no reason for it not to function the way it does.

Bo commented
Making adjustments to gradient colors is extremely cumbersome. Right now, I need to make a new swatch in a slightly different color, then drag and drop that swatch into the gradient panel to add it. There is no ability to change the color from the gradient panel itself, which is a basic functionality I expected to find. My swatches panel becomes littered with similar swatches from making small color adjustments. If nothing else, please add the ability to double click one of the gradient colors on the gradients panel, and pull up a submenu where we can select a new color from a color picker, or swatch menu.
Toby Nelson commented
Four years on from my original post I see. This app has basically been abandoned.
Micah Beard commented
The gradient panel is ARCHAIC and USELESS. I'm sorry but it's a disgrace to Adobe's name and I am embarrassed for them that their gradient panel is so pitiful.
Toby Nelson commented
I see we are three years from my original post and absolutely nothing has been done...
Anonymous commented
agreed....I'm designing live text with gradients and then when I scale the text the gradient shifts....there needs to be a scale effect check box just like in illustrator
Anonymous commented
In further explanation of the poor functionality here: I need both swatches and the gradient panel open at once to edit a gradient. To have both panels open at once, I must remove one of them from the panel menu. I cannot adjust colors once placed on the gradient - i must make a new color and drag it to the gradient. Likewise with opacity - in order to change opacity on part of the gradient, I must additionally apply gradient feathering.
Anonymous commented
This would be a nice feature now that we're in 2020. Affinity Designer has better functionality
Simon Barth commented
Yes please, for the love of good, fix this mess!
Anonymous commented
Yes, please. Working with gradients in InDesign is very obtuse and not very intuitive. It is very disruptive to creative workflow and I am more likely to avoid using it than to embrace it as a useful feature. I agree 100% with making this tool much more robust and versatile, very much in line with the Illustrator version.
CS5 omachi commented