Add the ability to Name Pages
We build all our digital ads in indesign. 20 pages at 20 unique sizes. When we export to jpegs, we have to go and manually name every single image with the file name.
It would be nice if we could tag the file dimensions to each page and have this information export as a suffix to the original file name.
i.e. 0000-Client Code-'600x600', 0000-Client Code-'1280x760'
The pages would allow us to assign the 600x600 and the 1280x760 to the page for exporting and would carry over from document to document.
Please and thank you for your consideration.

The ability to add suffix to JPEG/PNG is now available in InDesign’s latest release 19.0. Please let us know your feedback in comments.
Sanyam Talwar (he/him)
Anonymous commented
So glad to see so many people of a similar mindset – would be such a timesaver. Thanks to the Anonymous's workaround that has kinda helped me on a few docs but a fully integrated feature would be awesome
Martin Cinzar commented
This so needs to happen. It would be great to create a stationery template and change the address 5 times. Name the page per address and then export 5 NAMED pdf's. would be incredibly useful for mock up work.
Erich Tupper commented
Looking for the same thing, but with hundreds of location names. The location name is a field in the file and is different for every page. e.g. Sacramento, Red Hill, Canyon, etc. Can you grab that field data and place it as the suffix?
Thank you,
Erich -
Anonymous commented
Yes yes! This would be so incredibly useful!
For now I sometimes solve the need by having a hidden layer on each page with a very large page name written on top of the content.
When I need to see the page names I then turn on the hidden name layer, and with my thumbnails set to large/jumbo, I can easily see the names in the pages list.
It works, but it is a very clumsy and not at all a ideal solution.Adobe, please add this feature! :)
Valeriy commented
I neither have mac nor wrote scripts for it, but you can try
Justin commented
I am using a mac is there a way this script can be used on that platform also?
TWright commented
Yes, please
Valeriy commented
@Greg yes, I have a script for this task.
I used it to handle multiple formats and DPI, so it's more complicated.
Rename .txt to .jsx and have fun -
David commented
Please make the change, Adobe!
Here is a workaround that worked for my situation - where each page is treated like a separate document:
1. Right-click on the page in the Pages panel.
2. Select Numbering and Section Options...
3. Make sure the "Start Section" box is selected.
4. Enter the page name in the Section Prefix field. You are limited to 8 characters. In my case, I entered "EN_" for English.
5.. Repeat the process for additional pages.In my document, this is how they display. Not ideal for all documents, and will obviously affect automatic page numbering - but works for what I needed.
Etc... -
Greg Linhares commented
This script from @Valeriy is INCREDIBLE! Thank you so much for sharing!
Is there a way that it can be modified to export PNG files of each page instead of PDF's?
This could be a massive time saver! Especially if the output resolution could be specified! Thanks!
Ian commented
Agreed! Does anyone know if you can do it when exporting as a pdf by setting the suffix to the page size custom name in the create as seperate pdf files? I have tried by it only exports the page size, not the name I have named it.
James commented
This would be an amazingly useful feature. Especially if the page's name could become the file name when exporting to JPG or PNGs.
Anonymous commented
Also experiencing the same issue - this change would save literally hours of looking up what page is what when working with longer documents. I'm creating a catalogue, where the pages look very similar. Very frustrating to not be able to label each page in the "pages panel" thumbnail view.
Valeriy commented
I made a workaround for it using script and script label.
Select a page using page tool, assign a script label to page using script label panel, then execute this extendscript:for (var q=0; q<app.activeDocument.pages.length;q++){
if (app.activeDocument.pages[q].label){
exportRange = String(Number(q+1));
app.pdfExportPreferences.pageRange = exportRange;
exportPath = "your path separated by / is here";
fullName = exportPath+"/"+app.activeDocument.pages[q].label+".pdf";
myPDFExportPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName("[High Quality Print]");
app.activeDocument.exportFile(ExportFormat.pdfType, new File (fullName), false, myPDFExportPreset);
} -
Anonymous commented
I cannot express how important this is. I'm creating 270 Data sheets and will need to export them as individual PNG pictures, Im then going to need to rename all those pictures, with named pages this would've saved me a WHOLE LOT of time.
Evan commented
Yes in addition to the helpfulness of just visually seeing the page names, it could also lead to some very helpful features with exporting page names to filenames.
For more info see also: -
Sivan commented
It would save me SOOOOO mucn time if i could do that!!!
Mohsen Ghaffari commented
It would be great if I can edit page numbers to names by double clicking on the numbers
Elisabeth commented
Dangit. I came to this page because Google told me it was going to tell me how to name pages in Indesign...but now I see that it's a page where people are saying that Adobe needs to offer that option. PLEASE do. I've been actually having some accuracy troubles because Indesign doesn't offer this option. For the sake of my job and my sanity, please make naming pages an option.
Anonymous commented
Hi, I think it would be really handy if the pages would have a rename feature. Rather than them being labelled page 1, 2 etc in the Pages tab, the User could label them as needed.