Make text variables/live captions breakable like normal text
We work a lot with pictures that get there captions from xmp meta data stored in the pictures.
There is a great feature in InDesign called textvariables/live captions ;) for this… BUT these variables don‘t wrap like normal text :(
Instead we have to convert the live captions to static text to get the proper text warp and in doing so losing our live link to the XMP meta data.
So please enhance this feature to a real feature and allow variables to wrap like normal text. Thanks!

We have added this feature in our backlog for future release
Jake Hammersmith commented
Its REALLY ENCOURAGING that this FIX went on the list for future release -- IN 2017!
It must be ALMOST DONE by now. Wow. I can't wait. Sheesh!
Anonymous commented
I can't believe this app was put out with live captions unable to wrap / line break. I have wasted so much time with this feature.
Therus Santana commented
InDesign is stagnant, when new features appear to be useless most of the community, only serve to increase Adobe's ego. The necessary resources (largely basic) that should be improved only stay in the promise!
Pu commented
is adobe saving this for CC2043
Jack Brannen commented
Adobe—come on!! We've been waiting forever.
Tomasz Owsianka commented
4 years of backlog wow, the next release will be gigantic!
:( commented
PLEASE fix this half-baked feature!
Allen commented
Please get real. This was a problem the first day text variables were added to InDesign.
What is Adobe thinking? We need this -- it's just CORRECT implementation of the supposed feature of text variables, captions, etc. Without correct behavior, the feature isn't a feature at all!
Does InDesign have a text variable feature? Yes ... well, actually NO. They expand the variable at the wrong stage in the construction of a paragraph, so it's effectively useless unless the inserted text is the same size as the variable name. But that's ridiculous! Yes, it is. Then how do you use this feature? Well, basically, you don't. or, like the OP, you expand (i.e., destroy) all the variables every time you output your document. Then, I guess, all you can do is UNDO all the expansions, and remember to expand them again if you print the document again.
Is this ridiculous? Yes. Is Adobe going to fix this bug? It's not a bug, it's a half-implemented feature. Well, are they doing anything about it? No. They said they would, but that was 3.5 years ago. It's zero priority. They'd rather we buy images from them.
MBR commented
Can we have an idea of when the detailed features you are introducing right now (2021) where submitted to backlog ? 1997 maybe ?
Michael G. commented
Is this STILL a thing? Unbelievable.
Not having competition must be nice.
Carla Gamalinda commented
Whoa, you must have an epic amount of backlog! Hello from 2021! Still hoping ❤️
Unhappy Customer commented
The absence of this feature in late 2020 is one of the reasons I'm trying my best to avoid Adobe products overall. Live captions without being breakable in lines aren't useful at all other than for youtube videos and marketing purposes. It seems like Adobe only cares about getting new customers than saving the current ones.
Better alternatives have been popping up recently for different Adobe products and I hope one comes for InDesign as well. -
Anonymous commented
Hey's October 2020 and this still hasn't been updated. We throw lots of money every year to have the most up-to-date version of Adobe CC, but there are so many things that have been brought up but overlooked in these programs that make our jobs significantly more difficult. Please make this update as it is very useful. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
I'm glad this is in the backlog, but that was in late 2017!
I hope it gets pushed up to the top before another 2-3 years go by. I'm getting old.....
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Allen commented
Frustrating, isn't it?
One wonders how a feature like this, which essentially BREAKS the whole text variable mechanism for innumerable scenarios, remains unaddressed for so long. Is it because the marketing dept. doesn't think new users will be motivated by such a specialized improvement? If so, perhaps the marketing people don't realize how powerfully NEGATIVE this kind of neglect can be when potential buyers talk to experienced users.
MBR commented
3 years in backlog now,
hum... -
Anonymous commented
Text variables and live captions are SIGNIFICANTLY USELESS without proper embedding in the specified paragraph styles. This means embedding, of course, but it also means full styling capability as well. The instance of a variable's text should be inserted into the parent text flow before styles are applied.
The controlling paragraph style can then properly format the inserted text, including character styles, embedded styles, and GREP styles.
Mit commented
Time to bring this to the front wouldn't you say? It's 2020 now....
Hill commented
Still need this!