My feedback
55 results found
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8 votes
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2 votes
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92 votes
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104 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
101 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
This is a significant issue. It can add dozens of styles to a project, and it wastes lots of time in proofing.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
147 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
156 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
How about a setting for WRAP INDENT? Then it would be much easier to set up multi-level lists, like manual indexes.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
138 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Still a problem with Windows 11 and latest CC version. It is a major nuisance.
As Peter points out (below) it's made even more of a problem by the fact that there is no indication that InDesign is inserting characters at the text insertion point. When you use this command to page several spreads away from the insertion point, the "numbers" you are tapping on the number pad (3, which is PgUp, and 9, PgDn) are interpreted as ALT-CODES, that is, as extended ASCII characters, which are then silently inserted at the text cursor.
So you may inadvertently leave behind random glyphs wherever the insertion point happens to be at the time.
It's a difficult problem for many people to pin down and describe. Please don't interpret the lack of complaints as evidence that this isn't affecting thousands of Windows users.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Just to be perfectly clear, this behavior is occurring on PC's with the NumLock OFF (i.e., the number pad is in navigation mode).
This behavior is NOT happening on a Mac, where you can use Opt+PgDn while editing in a text frame, without entering random glyphs.
Anonymous shared this idea ·
1 vote
Anonymous shared this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
InDesign 2022 (April) opens in "restore" screensize, but it's entirely off screen (top left). There is no way to adjust the "restore" screen size and position.
This "restore" problem has been present for many years, but now InDesign not only forgets the restore position and size, it uses uninitialized values and is impossible to use.
The "maximize" size icon is just visible on my UHD display (top left) so I can make InDesign go full screen -- but on a 50" UHD display I need an ADJUSTABLE app size. So now this latest result makes the whole program very inconvenient to use. The original thread on this says it was fixed years ago. But it is not fixed, and is now WORSE, because I cannot access the "restore" screen size adjustments. -
4 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
InDesign 2022 (April) opens in "restore" screensize, but it's entirely off screen (top left). There is no way to adjust the "restore" screen size and position.
This "restore" problem has been present for many years, but now InDesign not only forgets the restore position and size, it uses uninitialized values and is impossible to use.
The "maximize" size icon is just visible on my UHD display (top left) so I can make InDesign go full screen -- but on a 50" UHD display I need an ADJUSTABLE app size. So now this latest result makes the whole program very inconvenient to use. The original thread on this says it was fixed years ago. But it is not fixed, and is now WORSE, because I cannot access the "restore" screen size adjustments. -
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
I wish InDesign would CONSOLIDATE all the Recent Files suggestions. There is so much overlap, but individual postings have only a few votes. The Recent panel is so devoid of important, obvious features. We need to MANAGE recent files, sort by date or project or client, honor the file system so files can be organized, handle more than a few dozen files, group by key-words, etc.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
I should have given this a more descriptive title: Recent Files Are Removed by Book Operations
I'll post a very concise FR on this. I hope the redundancy is OK, since I'm sure others find their workflow hindered by this behavior.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
It's unfortunate that although everyone I discuss the Recent Files design with agrees -- it's not very useful, and especially useless if you use the BOOKS facilities -- none of them has the time to find this particular FR and vote or comment on it.
Every time I start InDesign, I'm looking at a full list of recent files, but almost ALL of them are just chapters in a book. In that book, I made ONE change that altered the page breaks in an early chapter, so ALL the chapters were opened automatically and their page numbers were updated. So now every chapter is a Recent File! This is beyond useless -- it destroys any usefulness the Recents panel might have to offer.
Please fix this. The Recents facility could be SO useful, but as it is I can't get any value out of it in any of the CC apps.
Anonymous shared this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
The Recent pane should be a file management workspace, not just a very short list. We need to MANAGE recent files, sort by date or project or client, honor the file system so files can be organized, handle more than a few dozen files, group by key-words, etc.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
We need to MANAGE recent files, sort by date or project or client, honor the file system so files can be organized, handle more than a few dozen files, group by key-words, etc.
29 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
David's suggestion is a good one -- just list the BOOK FILE, and don't list the chapter files that it references, since the book file itself serves the same purpose (much more usefully) as the Recent Workspace.
Unfortunately, this still requires maintaining some metadata on the chapter files, since they may be opened individually and not through the book file. The programming required to do this would be better applied to improving the overall functionality of the Recent Workspace itself. So many file management features are missing that the whole panel is little more than just a huge version of the original drop-down recent file list.
We need to MANAGE recent files, sort by date or project or client, honor the file system so files can be organized, handle more than a few dozen files, group by key-words, etc.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
I agree that David's solution to the book problem is simpler than what I'm requesting. But file management by project or by client (or anything else if keywords are supported) is a basic need for anyone working with large numbers of files, projects, or clients. So I would be very grateful if David's solution were implemented. But I'd still be in serious need for a really useful Recent Files facility. All it is now is a visually lavish equivalent to the old dropdown list of the last <n> files opened. Useful, yes, but only in a tremdously limited, unimaginative way.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
It would certainly help if ID just excluded books accessed via the Book panel, but (a) often one has to access those files outside the Book panel, and ID would have to check to see if a file is part of a book, (b) some files are used both in a book and as stand-alone files, and (c) file management is still desperately needed for organizing clients, projects, etc.
Anonymous shared this idea ·
2 votes
Anonymous shared this idea ·
570 votes
We have added this feature in our backlog for future release
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
I'm glad this is in the backlog, but that was in late 2017!
I hope it gets pushed up to the top before another 2-3 years go by. I'm getting old.....
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
Text variables and live captions are SIGNIFICANTLY USELESS without proper embedding in the specified paragraph styles. This means embedding, of course, but it also means full styling capability as well. The instance of a variable's text should be inserted into the parent text flow before styles are applied.
The controlling paragraph style can then properly format the inserted text, including character styles, embedded styles, and GREP styles.
Anonymous supported this idea ·
Please just provide TWO FEATURES:
1. Merge two selected text frames into one text frame.
2. Split a text frame into two text frames based on the current cursor position.
These are SO fundamental to working with text frames. It's been very hard living without these basic operations.