Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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408 results found
Add range of pages option to Find/Change.
Add range of pages option to Find/Change. Many times I only want to Change All to a selected range of pages.
1 vote -
Dynamic QR Codes By Default
I'd like to request that all QR Codes that are created by In-Design are dynamic by default. I realize there would be some server costs and such, but being able to update a QR Code destination after an item has been printed would be a huge help. Adobe could also white label a dynamic QR Code service already in existence to make this feature come to market sooner.
16 votes -
The book workflow is unimaginably bad, and it's because of how styles are managed
After trying out the book workflow for 6 months, designing 3 books with it -
I've concluded that it's a completely broken feature, that makes my work 160% more time consuming.I'm literally in the process of moving all documents of a current book I'm working on into a single document, because it became so frustrating.
So the main problem (among many others), which has already been posted here and seemingly ignored - is the entire way that styles and parent (master) pages are managed in the book workflow.
My workflow, and I can't imagine it being that different for…
3 votes -
Rename layers and group of layers
Please, add the possibility to rename layers and groups in the layer panel (like in PS and AI).
4 votes -
Easy Setup for Printers Spreads without using Print Booklet feature
I would like to see an option within the Document Setup when creating a new document to arrange spreads in readers spreads or printers spreads. This way, I would not spend two hours attempting to manually arrange my pages into the correct spreads.
For example: I have created a new document with 12 pages (not facing pages). However, in order to see the pages in printers spreads, I need to go about individually changing page settings for each page within the document. I want the back cover (p.12) and front cover (p1) to sit side by side so that in…
2 votes -
Page styles
Add page styles to capture page size, orientation, margins, bleed, slug.
Plus facing pages, primary text frame1 vote -
Reshaping the edges of the whole book/page(s).
I know there are ways to trim edges of frames. I need you to apply this feature to the Whole book/pages or create a better one so that when applying for a new custom document, amongst the settings where there are inches, bleeds, gutter etc there'd be a setting option for reshaping the edges of new document. This is not about reshaping picture frames, this is about reshaping the edges of book or pages itself not the contents. Please I hope you understand my request.
1 vote -
Favourite viewing size.
I work with the same size documents and need to see them enlarged (eg 250% is perfect) and also full page. I am constantly going from cmd 0 then typing in 250% into the size box at the BL corner then back to cmd 0.
Is it possible to get some toggle or previous view (like acrobat pro) method that goes back a forth between two viewing sizes.1 voteClosing this as the issue is resolved for the user with the suggestion provided.
Adobe InDesign team
Odt support in Place dialogue
Hi! I'd like to see ODT Support in the Place dialogue. Since it already supports docx, ODT would be a logical extension
3 votes -
Update the notes feature
We use notes to communicate between editors, designers, and compositors. It would be great if you could filter or sort notes by the user.
1 vote -
The ability to translate file from right to left language to english
I would love to have the option to “translate” a document form a right to left languages to English.
Also the ability to change a document settings to English after some or all work is done.
I tried to do this kind of things on my project the file started to work very slow, not able to work slow.
Thank you!!1 vote -
Button "back to starting point" in search and replace window
When working through a document you need to search and replace words and other if you recognize a typo error, another word needed or anything else. But if you "search and replace" forward and you find a hit somewhere further ahead or back there is no button to jump back from where you started your search.
Then you need to remember exactaly and search by scrolling where you started.
A button "back to starting point" would eleminate these useless search.2 votes -
Add a "Duplicate" file feature much like Photoshop has.
Would love to have a "duplicate file" feature much like Photoshop has so we can create a new version while keeping the existing document open in its current state.
1 vote -
Larger area when moving page/spreads or duplicating via alt drag
Make the area for "dropping" a page/spread larger and on above and below pages/spreads.ISSUE
The current area to "drop" a page/spread is small and inconsistent (see attached video). It also limited to the left or right of a page/spread, NOT above or below.GOAL
Move or duplicate a page to a specific location in the document, more efficiently.REASON
Duplicate page command sends the duplicate to the end of the document, which typically needs to be moved to another location in the document, thus highlighting the issue regardless of moving or duplicating via alt/option drag.STEPS
Select a…1 vote -
Dynamic Page height
An option to allow page height to auto adjust with content.
This would be handy when linking one indesign document into another, such as a catalogue, each product and description etc would sit in the linked indesign file on separate pages, possibly data merged and then placed into working file. If the height of the linked pages where all auto adjusted to height of the content the pages could all be inserted with minimal effort and perfect spacing.
1 vote -
Horizontal column/row guides when creating a new document
Ability to create rows as well as columns as guides when creating a new document so that we can easily grid a page. Often I have to put items 4-up or 8-up and so forth and having the vertical columns is helpful but it would be even better to be able to have horizontal rows at the same time instead of having to measure them and drag guides down.
2 votes -
Retain previous window dimensions & position & display
My ID (CS6) workspace has palettes down both sides of the screen. If I open a file that I'd been working on then closed, the file window stretches across the screen and goes behind the palettes, tho' when I closed the file previously, the window fit exactly between the two columns of palettes. Assuming a fixed workspace, I'd like the window to be exactly where it was when I last closed the file. It is a 3-step process to restore position & dimensions manually, more if there's a palette covering the bottom right corner of the window. Maybe this has…
4 votes -
Add numbering page option: set single number for facing pages
Please add an option to number two facing pages like one. For example: normal numbering 1, 2, 3, 4. With new option p. 1 (1 and 2), page 2 (3 and 4). Thanks
4 votes -
Exclude Pasteboard (PB) from Find/Change
Many of the Find/Replace functions would be much faster and easier to complete if only run on the pages area only rather F/C searching paste board too.
5 votes -
Crop Marks
I would like the crop marks to be cross hair style so when you cut one side you still have a mark to tell you where to cut the other. Right now once you cut one side the crop mark is completely cut off so you then have to measure where the next cut should be.
3 votes
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