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584 results found

  1. It is very troublesome to select fonts

    It is very troublesome to select fonts from a list when managing a large number of fonts. Also, even when selecting font names by typing, it is difficult to select candidates if there is a typing error.
    Please create a modern font selection feature.

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  2. The "Find and Replace Fonts" dialog box

    The "Find and Replace Fonts" dialog box does not allow searching and replacing fonts included in a composite font.
    This is inconvenient.
    Please improve it.

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  3. Composite fonts cannot be renamed.

    InDesign Japanese version cannot rename composite fonts.
    This is inconvenient.

    Please improve it.

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  4. Open maximised documents as NO Tabs...

    ...AND retain menu bar + all tools...
    (We can browse open pages with ctrl + ` - tabs are not needed!)
    It could help spare some place we're loosing for unneeded, visible all the time, tabs now.

    Similar problem - menu bar is so big... :/ It takes space, too. Couldn't be thinner? :/

    Plz take a look at screenshot...

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  5. I want to lock the palettes so I don't dislodge them accidentally

    I have a tremor in my hands and dislodge my palettes when I try to open them. They are so sensitive! My tremor doesn't impact my work in any other way but this. It is frustrating and embarrassing when I am teaching InDesign to others. I have customized my workspace and I would like to "lock" it so I can't accidentally dislodge palettes. Of course I would still need to open and close and expand them as needed.

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  6. Enable more control panel and app bar customization

    Please enable greater customization of the control panel (the top/bottom panel from the Essentials Classic workspace).

    I realize you can customize which tools are included, however, it takes up too much space. Even if I reduce the number of tools to very few, the panel takes up two rows worth of space and all the tools are stacked (in two rows) at the far left of the panel. You also cannot arrange the order or position of the various tools.

    I hate how much space the panels take up on the screen and that's part of the reason I like…

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  7. Redesign keyboard shortcut system to mimic that of After Effects

    After effects uses a mappable graphic interface of a keyboard. Utilizing this interface would make reassigning keyboard shortcuts a much simpler and more intuitive endeavor. Along with allowing any command to be assignable to any keystroke/key combination it would be unbeatable. I don't understand why this isn't just the Adobe standard for all desktop applications. Can they not share? They put so much effort into syncing through the cloud but they don't put effort into matching their programs up to each other.

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  8. Make annoying datamerge save warning userfriendly

    The warning window "You must turn off the data merge preview before you close the document..." must be changed. Its good to have straight hint what's have to be done by user, but in modern software we

    need a better approach.
    Like button "do it for me now and we continue" and even checkbox "always do that and never ask again" (ofc with undo somewhere in preferences or datamerge interface, see screenshots)

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  9. Change the process of setting a default object style

    Object styles are great, but it is way too easy to accidentally set an object style for all new objects. Suggest requiring a control click or a flyout panel menu item to 'set as new default object style for new objects'. I want my team to get more used to using object styles, but having a default style set by simply clicking on a style when nothing is selected is far too prone to user error and creates massive issues down the road.

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  10. Fix/lock toolbar (avoid unintentional undocking)

    Please add a feature to avoid undocking the toolbar. The Selection Tool (black arrow) is too near to the dotted line, indicating the draggable region of the toolbar. I've accidentally undocked the bar countless times. I mean hundred and hundred of times of cumbersomely dragging the toolbar back where it belongs. Especially when working fast on a big screen or multiscreen setup.

    A suitable workaround is using keyboard shortcuts, but that's not a good solution for a UI flaw.

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  11. grid edit quick access from properties panel

    alt+doubleclick is learned behaviour to edit links, for example. I would love to see this work on the properties panel, esp to tweak the grid settings, internally llinking to the preferences UI. That would save a lot of time and be quite simple to implement.

    I use about 2/3 of the CC products regularly and the heterogeneous ui functionality drives me batty. in psd i click on the number and drag, in ai it takes three clicks to do the same. WHY?!?

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  12. Turn off preflight by default

    Since we work via Internet-connection, working with longer documents is a mess because after every move you make, the preflight check starts over and over again. The bigger the document, the longer it takes until you can finally start working again.

    I would like to have the opportunity to have preflight turned off by default. Only when I need it, I would like to turn on preflight.

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  13. Reinclude the cutter tool

    The cutter tool has not been included as it was in old Pagemaker This tool is very useful. Without this tool, if you import an Autocad drawing, it is not possible to resize the content to the frame. I recommend to include this tool as it was in Pagemaker.

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  14. Rework Paragraph menu

    Make it more logical:
    Indents & Tabs
    Alignment & Spacing

    Indents & Tabs belong together.
    Alignment & Spacing are both regarding vertical position.
    Also this will make Align to Grid better findable - it's in an unlogical tab now ('Indents and Spacing')

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  15. Arrange Saved blank document presets

    It would be great if we could arrange the Saved blank document presets.

    I have created presets for our most common product in different sizes. But the sizes are all mixed up: additional sizes are always added last, instead of in incremental order which would be more logic.

    If I could arrange them manually that would be a great help.

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  16. Import and export Find/Change queries button

    I would LOVE to be able to import and export find/change queries from the find/change window, instead of having to go through cumbersome Windows folders to get the same result. A little button besides the save query/delete query would work really well and not be intrusive at all. This would be really helpful for sharing common actions that need to be standardized among various team members without each one having to recreate individual queries and saving them (or going through Windows hidden folders). Thanks!

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  17. More options for creating ads

    I would love for there to be more flexibility for creating ads through InDesign. Like creating multiple sized art boards and simply be able to view art boards like how Photoshop, illustrator, and xd can.

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  18. Create New Layer more specific

    A new layer is currently always created at the top, which most of the time requires dragging the layer to ********* the right level.
    Why not make the function more sophisticated, and let the user choose for:
    -On Top
    -At Bottom
    -Above Selected
    -Below Selected

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  19. Add Layer Above / Beneath

    I find myself dragging newly created Layers all the time. New Layers are always created on top. Why not make a more sophisticated interface that allows a New Layer to be created:
    -On top
    -On bottom
    -Above Selected
    -Beneath Selected

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  20. Option to lengthen the "Set Tab Order" modal box

    Setting up tabs in InDesign is almost perfect. The ability to lengthen the "Set Tab Order" modal box would be immensely helpful. When you have over 100 tabbed items or even 20 items, the ability to quickly order them without having to continuously scroll up/down would be a game changer. (MacOS)

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