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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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208 results found

  1. Import PDF Comments not working correctly for Tables.

    PDF comment import not working accurately on tables

    1. ID 14 Mac
    2. Import PDF comments to layout including simple 2-column tables in which an entire row is marked as deleted/struck through
    3. Expected that the entire row would be deleted upon acceptance of edit via PDF Comments palette
    4. In fact Accepting edit only deletes the contents of the first cell of the row, leaving the orphaned data behind.
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  2. CC library color swatches doesn't work with table cells.

    Applying a color from CC library to table cell does not work.


    1. Select a cell in the table
    2. Click on the color from the CC libarry

    Expected - cell (fill/stroke switchable by pressing X) is recolored to the clicked color
    Observed - nothing happens.

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    Under Review  ·  Anasuiya Gupta responded

    Hi Dixy

    Thanks for reporting the issue.
    This is a known issue and is currently under review.

    Anasuiya Gupta

  3. Anchored frame looses the XML tag information as soon as anchor is released/anchor point is moved forward.

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Create an anchored text/graphic frame with some inline text/image. Tag the frame with some XML Tag (say 'tag1').

    2. Now release the anchor.

    Expected output
    - On releasing the anchor, there should be no changes in the XML tag on frame.

    Actual output
    - On releasing the anchor, the frame gets untagged.

    Additional note: Similar thing happens when anchor is moved forward to another position in inline text. In this case also, frames gets untagged

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  4. [ID-4257194]page numbers on documents don't match page numbers in book window or pages pane

    Ever since InDesign updated from version 19.5 to version 20, the current page number marker on my master pages will not sync. Now, every document in my book just starts from page 1. So, in other words, every chapter starts over at page 1. Please help. I've included a screen grab of my problem. You'll see that the page numbers on the actual document don't match the page numbers indicated in the pages window or in the book window. I've redone the marker in the master pages and resynced, but no dice...

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    5 comments  ·  Book/TOC  ·  Admin →
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    To resolve this issue, please click on the 'Update page and section numbers' option (present in the book panel's hamburger menu) after opening any book(created in any previous version) for the first time in 20.0

  5. Anchored text box in a table cell with text threads crashes when cutting

    As the title says. It sounds similar to past bugs.

    First, create a text box and add a table.
    Create a separate, new text box and add a single character in it.
    Anchor the text box to any cell in the table.
    Enable "Show Text Threads" from the View > Extras menu.
    Selecting and attempting to cut the table will lead to a long hang and crash.

    This is on the latest version of InDesign at the moment, 17.0. I am on Windows 10 20H2 19042.1288. I can verify this occurring on two separate systems.
    I've included a video walking…

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  6. Endnotes are tagged incorrectly when exporting to Accessible PDF from InDesign 2021

    In InDesign 2021, endnotes are not nested inside of a <Note> tag like they should be. Now only the Endnote number is in a <Note> tag and everything else is in a <P> tag. Normal behavior is to put each Endnote in its entirety within a <Note> tag. In addition, for several versions Endnotes and Footnotes are in a <Note> tag but then there's a <P> tag within the <Note> tag. The <P> tag is unnecessary and causes an error when trying to validate Accessible PDF. Please remove the <P> tag within <Note> tags when exporting to tagged PDF.

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    5 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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  7. placing text at cursor jumps in rtl in InDesign

    When placing a story at cursor using a right-to-left story frame, the cursor is in the wrong place.

    This has also been filed as Bug ID-4219127

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting the issue. We are reviewing it

    -InDesign Team

  8. Variable fonts broken with World Ready Paragraph Composer

    Using the World-ready composer essentially breaks the glyph width interpolation of Variable Fonts. The outcome is that text set in a Variable Font will receive the Variable Font's default style's horizontal glyph widths for any axis location, resulting in unusable overlap or gaps.

    Attached you find a sample Indesign file with comparison and a screenshot thereof. This happens with any Variable Font I have tested so var, but to complete the same test case as included, download and install VAR/SourceSansVariable-Roman.otf as well as OTF/*.otf files.

    Link to Indesign file:

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    Under Review  ·  amaarora responded

    Thanks for reporting the issue.
    We are reviewing it

    -InDesign Team

  9. Indents incorrect when importing Word document

    When importing a Word document that contains some indented paragraphs, the left indent being set to 5mm in Word (for example), once placed in InDesign, these 5mm indents typically show as 4.992mm. This would not neccesarily be a problem except that Find/Change in InDesign will not recognise an indent to 3 decimal places and therefore this cannot be located easily and fixed. This is proving to be a big problem in my workflow as I cannot automate the process of re-styling these paragraphs using InDesign Paragraph Styles with Find/Change. This bug occurs whatever measurement system is used, i.e. mm, inches,…

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  10. AIGPUSniffer quit unexpectedly every time I launch Indesign CC 14.0.1

    I am using Indesign CC14.0.1 on a MAC - OS Mojave V 10.14.1
    Whenever I launch Indesign I get a crash pop up saying AIGPU Sniffer has quit unexpectedly.
    Indesign is fine to work in however I am fed up with this AIGPU issue coming up all the time and don't know if it is effecting anything else?
    I've had loads of issues with the latest CC - really not impressed Adobe! Any suggestions on how to stop this happening?

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    Under Review  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    Thanks for reporting the issue to us. We are currently investigating the issue.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  11. InDesign hangs while exporting InDesign document as IDML

    Every time I try to save or export my InDesign document to idml it never finishes. It immediately goes to 27%, and then it never progresses.

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    1 comment  ·  IDML Export  ·  Admin →
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    Under Review  ·  Abhinav Kaushik responded

    Thank you for reporting the issue.
    We are currently in the process of reviewing it.

    -InDesign Team

  12. Excel filter rejects custom Cell Range for 26-column sheets (.xlsx-only)

    Excel filter rejects custom Cell Range for 26-column sheets (.xlsx-only)

    Steps to reproduce the issues:
    1. Create a new document.
    2. Select File > Place, check Show Import Options, select attached Columns_26.xlsx file.
    3. Note nonstandard default Cell Range: A1:A@10 (should be A1:Z10).
    4. Enter custom (valid) Cell Range "A1:E5"

    Expected result:
    No error and a table containing cells A1 through E5.

    Actual result:
    Error message, "You have not entered a valid 'Cell Range'. (See attached screenshot.)

    This error is given for any sheet whose right-most column is a multiple of 26 (so Z, AZ, BZ, etc.). Place the attached…

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  13. Panel flyout menus do not open on external displays/expanded desktops — they open only on primary display

    I keep all of my tool palettes on a secondary monitor on Mac OS (now Sonoma) running the latest version of InDesign.

    None of the flyout menus will open when the tool palettes are on a secondary display. However, I find if I drag the tool palette over to my Primary display, the flyout menus work again (until I drag them back to the external display).

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  14. Adobe Caslon Pro: Glyph as bullet does not function

    InDesign version 18.2.1 (Windows 10 x64). I would like to use a glyph as a bullet (the opentype digit 3 of Adobe Caslon Pro - an acorn). In the paragraph style box for my "Bulleted list" style, I am trying to add the bullet. When I click "add" and then click "ok," a standard round black dot appears in my list of bullet characters to choose from. If I try to add my preferred glyph (or any of the other opentype glyphs from the font's set, for that matter), the program tells me: "The selected bullet already appears in the…

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    2 comments  ·  Styles  ·  Admin →
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  15. Serious GREP style bug: ampersands

    Hi, InDesign team.

    I've run into a serious bug with GREP styles. Any GREP expression containing an ampersand character that is entered as a GREP style in a paragraph style will suddenly acquire additional ampersands whenever I scroll through the list of GREP styles.


    Create a simple GREP style as part of a paragraph style.
    The entire GREP expression should consist of the single character &. (Though this also happens when the & is part of longer expressions.)
    Make enough other GREP styles that you need to scroll in the window to see them all.
    Close the…

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  16. Viewing page with linked image causes file to be marked as dirty (needs saving)

    InDesign version: 15.1.1
    Additional versions tried: 15.0.3, 15.0, 14.0.3
    MacOS Mojave (10.14.6) on two different computers

    To reproduce:
    1. Create a new empty document.
    2. Add a second page to the document.
    3. Place Image, onto the page you're viewing (I did a PNG)
    4. Save and close the document.
    5. Open the document.
    6. Wait 2-20 seconds, doing nothing to change the document.

    Expected result: document opens to page with placed image, nothing else happens / changes.

    Actual result: document opens to page with placed image, and after a delay the document is marked as changed (asterisk appears in…

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  17. Crash when "fitting frame to content" on an inline-anchored textframe (inline or above line)

    Last week i noticed that InDesign crashes when I fit the textframe to its contents, when that textframe is anchored as "text" inside another textframe (anchor-option: incline or above line) when it is not separated by paragraph breaks or whitespaces.

    I have a file that has one textframe for the main column. In it I placed several smaller textframes with more than one column as textelements.
    I didn't separate them by a space or linebreak. When fitting one of the smaller frames to its content by double clicking the lower reference point in the middle to get rid of…

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  18. 5 votes

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  19. InDesign crashes while closing the application

    Nine times out of ten, Mac generates a crash report when closing InDesign CC 2019. InDesign closes fine, but Mac believes it crashed.

    Mac Mojave 10.14

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  20. InDesign crashes on Hyperlink panel open

    Latest version of InDesign 2018.

    Process video:

    I'm trying to add hyperlink to a text but it leads to a program crash. This happens only for 3 close lines of text in a one single file. The file has been sent to mr. Sushil's email.

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