[ID-4246352]NIKKUD (accents/diacritics) selection has become invisible
InDesign version: v20 (both Mac & PC)
Hebrew letters can use NIKKUD - vocalization diacritical marks (function like Vowels) under/above the letter.
- In previous versions (-2023) it was possible to select only the NIKKUD (attached image) of the letter. (in order to specify the position of the NIKKUD using the Diacritic Positioning panel or to change color, etc.)
- In the current version (2024-2025) the selection is on the entire letter, and there is no visual indication whether the letter or the NIKKUD is selected (attached image).
Note: Sometimes there are two NIKKUD characters and even in such a case in the past it was possible to choose each separately (attached image)
We have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.
Adobe InDesign Team
Anonymous commented
version claims to solve the "[ID-4243320] Incorrect Cursor movement in right-to-left text within InDesign when composed using
Harfbuzz shaper" bug. unfortunately, it's still not working well. this bug is also listed under [ID-4246352]
up untill version 18.5, when selecting a letter with a diacritic in hebrew, the selection marker would indictae if the letter AND the diacritic is selected, or just one of them. but currently, under harfbuzz shaper, selecting a letter and a dicaritic looks exactly like selecting it without the diacritic. and this way you can't act just on part of the letter-diacritic combination. it may sound unimportant but actually in Hebrew we make a lot of formats on the diacritics alone, so it's critical.
to repeat the bug, write a letter in hebrew and add one or two diacritics. say: נֵּ
now try to select just the first diacritic (dagesh) or the second (kamatz) - you'll see it's like the whole letter is selected.
but this is how it looked back in version 18.5 (which most designers in hebrew still use due to all the bugs in newer versions):
selecting one diacritic:selecting two diacritics:
selecting two diacritics AND the letter itself:
חיים ברוך לבי commented
This is a serious bug, and it prevents proper work with Hebrew.
חיים ברוך לבי commented
This has become a significant problem in our daily work. We have a large number of books being published constantly, and now it has become impossible to work with this issue. Our company cannot use the 2025 version. We have around 30 employees affected by this. Please fix it and revert it to how it was before.
Doron commented
Very important, please fix it
יצחק פפנהיים commented
תהילה קרואני commented
Please fix these bugs as soon as possible, I'm working on the 2023 version because of this
מושקי לנדא [בלוי] commented
We need this fixed
Nechami Lchaim commented
נא לתקן
eli lev commented
שוקי דיין (ברנדשוק) commented
דור דוד commented
Very critical
צדוק רייכמן commented
י. קלפהולץ commented
pls pls pls
Doron Briner commented
invest. fix. por favorrrrrrr!
Zeharya SALOMON commented
S'il vous plaît, résolvez ce problème, c'est vraiment important pour nous
סלומון זכריה ואוריה commented
בבקשה זה דחוף
הילה אלג'ם commented
בבקשה לסדר זה דחוף
נחלת אבותינו commented
דחוף מאוד
זכריה סלומון commented
דחוף מאוד
Rachel Leibovitch - Miller plus commented
very very importent