Hanging drop cap has wrong indents in 2023 v18
In v18 (2023), when a paragraph has both a drop cap and a hanging indent (negative first line indent), the indent gets messed up on subsequent lines.
This came from a bug report by Lut Van Nooten on the InDesign Secrets LinkedIn group:
The solution is to disable the new Composition Preference: "Honor Text Indents in addition to Text Wrap"
However, in this case, this is clearly a bug because there is no text wrap!

This issue was fixed in one of the recent updates (18.2) of ID2023 release.
Adobe InDesign team
Brad Fischer commented
Yup. It's causing all sorts of issue with Drop Caps. e.g. in this example the Paragraph style is indented 1p from the left. A Drop Cap applied here gets shifted over improperly.
prd789 commented
I can repeat this behavior and it also results in odd indenting with the paragraph and the subsequent paragraphs with just a regular left indent on a paragraph with dropcaps.
Both examples had the exact same settings. Flush left drop cap paragraph followed by a paragraph with a first line indent.
I then added a .25" left indent to the dropcap paragraphs:
The first example shows what happens when the setting is checked on: The dropcap paragraph is indented to .5" and the non-dropcap paragraph first line indent is ignored.
The next example shows what happens with the setting is checked off: The dropcap paragraph is indented to the expected .25" and the non-dropcap paragraph first line indent is maintained.
Note that in the file with the screenshot, if I trigger a recompose with Honor Indents off, the top/on example resets to match the bottom/off example.