Export and Save As dialogs not showing up in MacOS Monterey
- 16.4
- Installed MacOS Monterey then InDesign Export or Save As dialogs stopped working.
- Export or Save As dialogs should be showing up
- Export or Save As dialogs not showing up with either keyboard shortcuts or when using the dropdown menu.
- The issue was validated by your support staff Lakshay (Adobe) through remote access 26.10.2021

Thank you to all of you who have responded, saying that this issue is solved after updating macOS to Monterey 12.1.
Adobe InDesign team
Kelli Jo Reznicek Emanuel commented
Same issue here. Cannot save or export in InDesign. Updated to Monterey and immediately started having issues. Using the most current version on InDesign no updates available in the cloud. Rebooted computer, reinstalled InDesign, unplugged external display - no luck saving or exporting. I am able to click the save and export buttons but no dialogue box appears to actually save or export. Hoping this issue gets fixed quickly!
Jonas Berg commented
Mac OS Monterey 12.0.1, Indesign 17.0
Nothing happens when clicking export or mount.
Tried reinstall but no change. Using a Thunderbolt Display and MacBook Pro.
It works if I disconnect display. -
Darren King commented
Since updating to version 2022 I can no longer save the document, save as or export.
Lieske Maier commented
Same saving/exporting issue. Just upgraded today to macOS Monterey, and InDesign v17. No Export or Save/Save As dialogues. Tried reinstalling, rolling back to previous INDD versions, etc. Found the thread about external monitors. Unplugged one of my two monitor dongles, leaving one external still plugged in. Dialogue boxes are back up and running. Not great, hoping for an update!
Anonymous commented
The software do not respond when clicking on Export or Save/Save as.
When closing the software it asks if I want to save it, but even there, it does not do anything when I click on 'save'.
Same issues with Other Adobe products (after updating to 2022 version + MacOS Monterey). -
Corinna commented
Same issue here. MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019). Monterey 12.0.1 (21A559). InDesign 17.0.
Here are my Creative Cloud specs (Italian version):
Installazione di Creative Cloud
Core Sync
Processo CCX
Libreria CC issue happens using an external monitor.
If I unplug it and restart InDesign everything works fine.
If I unplug the monitor without quitting InDesign the popup windows appears partially and I have to kill InDesign via Force Quit. See attached screenshot. -
Gavin Scothorn commented
I made my laptop the primary display and it seemed to fix the issue temporarily FYI
Carissa Winter commented
I am experiencing the same problem. Using MacBook Pro 12.0.1 Monterey. I use Suitcase Fusion. InDesign 17.0
Peder Hovgaard commented
Re-connecting the external monitor is not making save dialogs appear.
Dennis commented
Re-connecting the monitor is not working for me.
Matthieu Derome commented
Same issue here with Indesign v17 and macOS Monterey on a MacBookPro 16 inch
Using a USB-C to hdmi adapter to an external monitor
Save and Export dialogues return after disconnecting external monitor. -
Gerard commented
Same issue here with Indesign v17 and macOS Monterey on a MacBookPro 14,3
Using a USB-C to hdmi adapter to drive an external monitor
Save and Export dialogues return after disconnecting external monitor. -
Casper Schougaard commented
Seems to be an issue with external monitors. If I start up InDesign with an external monitor the dialogs don't work. If I then unplug and plug back in again they work. USB-C to Thunderbolt 2 adaptor to Apple Thunderbolt display.
Magnus Osnes commented
Thank you for posting this bug. I am experiencing the same problem!