Missing ALT-Text in PDF
Since the latest update to InDesign 16.3.2 alternative text to hyperlinks and cross-references is not included in the <Link> tag of the exported PDF-document.

It has been implemented this way as per Accessibility Requirements.
According to Accessibility Requirements, Alt Text should be placed under the /K Array in the Dictionary – please see attachment for more information.
Adobe InDesign team
Matt S commented
I find this a spectacularly unhelpful response. The attachment doesn't explain very much at all, and it's certainly not clear how to solve the issue. The internet is FULL of instructions telling us to simply add Alt Text in the Custom tab of Object Export Options... if this no longer works, we need an instruction somewhere of what to do instead.
I found adding the image into the articles pane finally forced the Alt Text tags to flow through to an interactive PDF; thank goodness it's only a 400 page document I have to work on :-/
Kate commented
I am also having this issue. What do we need to do to get the alt text we added in our InDesign documents to show up when we export those documents to PDF?
Paul commented
Hi Ravi,
I don't have the understanding behind me to explain why it is so, but I know that links need alt text and the contents. Acrobat has a pre-flight tool that sets the content based on the text that has the link tag attached to it.
With 16.3.2 the alt text field in InDesign is now the content element and the alt text has to be added in Acrobat. That doesn't make sense to me. -
BB commented
I have the same problem. Alt text on hyperlinks etc isn't exporting. Please do clarify what the solution is.
RY commented
please explain this 'solution' further