Table borders, strokes, artifacted in InDesign problem
InDesign ver. 16.1 (2021): Table borders and strokes created on a separate layer and artifacted in InDesign are not tagged as artifacts when converted to PDF.
Close to a hundred "Path Object" errors flagged by the PAC 3 Accessibility Checker which we are required to use. The problem is none of these borders and strokes can be accessed in Acrobat with the Reading Order tool and therefore cannot be marqueed as artifacts. They are simply “not available” in Acrobat, yet PAC 3 flags them as “Path Object Not Tagged” errors.
~ Replacing tables with paragraph borders (on single layer) in InDesign results in same issue in Acrobat - paragraph borders are tagged as errors by PAC 3 and cannot be accessed.
~ Removing all Table Borders, Row Strokes and Column Strokes in InDesign Table Options does not help. PAC 3 still flags "non-existent" Row Strokes/borders as “Path Object Not Tagged” errors.

Roman Gebath commented
This is a huge exporting error for accessibility.
Rae Benedetto commented
You can artifact these using the Content pane but this is a tedious time consuming process that should NOT be necessary. Table borders and URL underlines never convey information and should always be autotagged as artifacts.
Ralph Fontcuberta commented
This issue has cropped up for me in the recent 17.0 update.
Maurice Williams commented
I sure hope Adobe is working on a solution for this PAC 3 issue. For some reason PAC 3 is the gold standard for judging accessibility of a PDF and the output that InDesign creates just isn't constructed in a way that PAC 3 expects.