share for review is not working consistently
If I try updating a share for review link the share for review panel freezes as shown in the attached image and nothing happens.
I have to close and reopen the indesign file for the Share for Review to update the link, but it only works once or twice, before it begins to freeze again.

This issue was fixed in InDesign v15.1.2 and later.
Please update to the latest available versions and see if the issue(s) you were facing earlier has got resolved.
Remember to check how you are signed into your CC account and if need be, sign out and sign in again. Since Share for Review is a service and dependent on your login to your Adobe ID account, it is important that CCD app is working well with your credentials.
InDesign team
Deb commented
Liar. If this was "Fixed" then why are Share for Review issues still being addressed in 16.2.1 April 2021?
Margarita Strigaleva commented
I still have this issue in my InDesign 16.1. Please fix it.
Daniel Cavero commented
I'm having the same issue.
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't .The only way to fix this is closing InDesign or signing out of creative app.
Have to do this at least 5 times per day.Please help