[ID-4224413]JPG 300dpi export with horizontal lines
When I export photo albums as JPG with the latest version, some images have horizontal lines. I've had the problem since macOS 10.14. (now catalina) and with older Indesign versions. If I change the size or position of the image, the stripes may disappear. If I use the DPI e.g. set to 301, the lines will also disappear.

To identify the cause of this issue, we started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received an email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.
We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the following: Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.
We recommend you upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2025(v20.0.0.095) as it is more robust and contains a lot of bug fixes.
We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.
Adobe InDesign Team
Audric commented
Glitch line when I export JPEG under 300 dpi.
Ludo commented
Toujours cette ligne qui apparait (comme si toute une ligne de pixel avait disparue) lors de l'importation en jpg, quand allez-vous apporter une correction à ce bug qui dure depuis déjà trop longtemps?
Martin S. commented
When will this bug finally be fixed?
I often need to export photo albums as JPG and the export should work. The bug has existed for years! -
Denette commented
For me the lines disappeared when I unchecked anti-aliasing upon export to JPG.
We Need The Help commented
This really does need to be fixed. It causes a lot of waste in rerunning materials and wasted repair time.
Most every designer on Earth uses high-resolution JPGs for color images. Which means that setting preflight profiles to alert you for the problem can save you much of the material cost, but alert on near every job. And that means lots and lots of wasted time.
I'm not a software developer, so I can't venture the guess on what causes the problem. But it needs to be found, and it needs to be addressed and corrected. This is a big deal.
david garcia commented
Yes, it is a pretty annoying bug
Clement Batifoulier commented
this is still not under review or investigation ?
Kadir Kaymakçı commented
This is a serious problem that could many InDesign users.
Felipe Santos commented
Sometimes the same happens with PDF files. But its important a fast bugfix release, please
Naomi commented
I've had to do some pretty weird coding to get round this issue, would really appreciate a fix!
Justin Putney commented
This is a serious problem that could many InDesign users.
Marc Autret commented
A very similar bug occurs in PNG export when transparency and high quality are involved.
I observed that the *first* export has those parasitic horizontal lines, while the *next* attempts to export the target image solve the problem!
Martin S. commented
When I export photo albums as JPG with the latest version, some images have horizontal lines. I've had the problem since macOS 10.14. (now catalina) and with older Indesign versions. If I change the size or position of the image, the stripes may disappear. If I use the DPI e.g. set to 301, the lines will also disappear.